*It's time to Even It Up India! (a campaign by Oxfam)*

*Demand** from the Indian government an Inclusive Economy. *

Eight billionaires own the same wealth as half the world’s population.
That’s right – 8 individuals own as much as the poorest 3.6 billion people.
Meanwhile, every day 1 in 8 people go to bed hungry. *In India, 57
billionaires have the same amount of wealth as the bottom 70% of India*.
The richest 1% of Indians have 58% of total wealth. Such extreme inequality
is outrageous.

Families living in poverty around the world are forced to suffer low wages,
inhumane working conditions, and a total lack of even the most basic public
services. The poorest and marginalized people in our societies have been
hit hardest – particularly women. Governments are doing too little to help.
Meanwhile the extremely wealthy make billions from a system bent in their

*It doesn’t have to be this way*. We can choose another future. A future
where the government can act to help everyone, where people are put before
profits, and everyone is given a fair chance. We can help end poverty, and
the rich and powerful need to play their part.

Sign the open letter to the Indian Government and the world's billionaires

See the Oxfam report on the issue: An economy for  the 1%


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