Date: February 27, 2020
The Captain of Ports,
Government of Goa,
Panjim, Goa

*Subject: Objections to the Blue Economy assault on Goa’s rivers*


It has come to our attention from the reports in media that Goa Government
through your office is in the process of launching major assault on Goa’s
rivers by setting up Jetties in various parts of Goa without holding Public
hearing under the pretext that they are floating Jetties. It has also come
to our attention that your office is all set to launch another major
assault on Goas rivers by initiating dredging of various rivers of Goa like
Chapora, Mandovi, Sal, Cumbharjua and Zuari without holding Public Hearings
for the same.

Because of irresponsible attitude of your office barges has already created
siltation of Goa’s major rivers like Mandovi, Zuari and Cumbharjua and
recorded in the minutes of Goa State Pollution Board first meeting held on
October 05th 1988 destroying precious marine ecology of these rivers and
still remains in a same state. Your office carried on EIA of Chapora river
but why is it not shared with Public?

Because of irresponsible attitude of your office six of Goa’s rivers are
declared as National Waterways without consulting fishing communities of
these rivers. Because of irresponsible attitude of your office Mandovi
river is conquered and assaulted by off shore casinos denying valuable
space for small scale fishers.

Dredging is a major assault on marine life and your office is not bothered
about it as if no one in your office is eating fish nor your office is
bothered about hundreds of peoples engaged in fishing activities in Goa’s
rivers. Dredging for Shipping purposes are known to create several problems
such as Air and water pollution, sea floor erosion, wave and current regime
alterations, introduction of invasive species, underwater noise pollution,
land use change, water front congestion, health and labour issues and
number of other ecologically destabilizing practices, environmental
injustice, unequal power relations and social conflicts. Dredging of
Mandovi river by Champions island has damaged marine ecology as informed by
local fishermen from Diwar island and several marine species has

Your decisions to set up Jetties and dredging of rivers is in
violation of *Voluntary
Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the context of
Food Security and Poverty Eradication* (SSF Guidelines) India is signatory
to SSF Guidelines and has committed to their enforcement via Article 54 of
the *National Marine Fisheries Policy 2017*. It is also violation of
Development Goals (SDG): 14* *Life under water*. Government widened roads
to make them six land and destroyed several paddy field and people
dependent upon the same. Now your office is determined to destroy
livelihood of several more fisher people by destroying marine ecology to
promote shipping industry. Shame!

Your are therefore requested to immediately respect Goa’s rivers and its
marine ecology, stay away from launching assaults in the form of
construction Jetties and Dredging of rivers for Shipping purpose in Goa.
Destroying Goa’s rivers by your office will only aggravate situation of
hunger that currently stands at 7000 deaths per day as per community
kitchen case proceedings in Supreme Court of India.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Maggie Silveira
President, Goa State & National Council Member of National Platform of
Small Scale Fish Workers (Inland)

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