Re: [Goanet] Open Letter: Quo vadis AAP... just what the hell is the top leadership smoking? (Dr Oscar Rebello)

2015-03-17 Thread Jose
An Unsolicited Open Letter to Dr. Oscar Rebello from a Distant ObserverPardon 
any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

Dear Sir,

I am NOT going to ask you What YOU are smoking or even . IF would benefit 
from it. I'd merely state the following:

Doctors, in general, make very poor politicians. Having observed you over the 
years, I believe you would do very well NEVER to quit your day job. Politics is 
not meant for physicians, especially honest and dedicated physicians like you.

Three closing points: (1) A team player NEVER writes Open Letters to Party 
Central, unless he is about to quit OR wishes to draw attention to one's own 
self (2) it would be an absolute miracle IF you, dear doctor, would win an 
election from Panjim or thereabouts unless on a BJP, MGP or Congress ticket. 
(3) Political Parties are not know to give tickets to writers of Open Letters 
to Central. Hence consider yourself self-disqualified after scoring an own goal.

BTW: I hope you noticed that the dissident AAP faction members have requested a 
meeting with Kejriwal .



On Mar 17, 2015, at 9:14 AM, Goanet Reader  posted:

(Oscar Rebello wrote:)
My dear Team AK / Team YY-PB:

Permit me to introduce myself. I am an ordinary AAP volunteer from the state of 
Goa.  I haven't quit my job as yet to dive headlong into the world of politics, 
but many of my friends have.  Cheerfully (and often despondently), they are 
building the  organization in the state, brick by brick: step by step and 
heartbreak by heartbreak.

Presumptuously, I have taken it upon myself to speak for them.

And the one overwhelming  question that is driving a dagger in our hearts, at 
the moment, is this: "Just what the hell is the top AAP leadership in Delhi 

Why has it induced this inexplicable crash after that dizzy high of Delhi 2015? 
 Why this messy split in the marriage, when the family is still young and the 
kids are still
learning to take their baby steps?...etc

[Goanet] Open Letter: Quo vadis AAP... just what the hell is the top leadership smoking? (Dr Oscar Rebello)

2015-03-17 Thread Goanet Reader

Dr Oscar Rebello

My dear Team AK / Team YY-PB:

  Permit me to introduce myself. I am an ordinary AAP
  volunteer from the state of Goa.  I haven't quit my
  job as yet to dive headlong into the world of
  politics, but many of my friends have.  Cheerfully
  (and often despondently), they are building the
  organization in the state, brick by brick: step by
  step and heartbreak by heartbreak.

Presumptuously, I have taken it upon myself to speak for them.

And the one overwhelming  question that is driving a dagger
in our hearts, at the moment, is this: "Just what the hell is
the top AAP leadership in Delhi smoking?"

Why has it induced this inexplicable crash after that dizzy
high of Delhi 2015?  Why this messy split in the marriage,
when the family is still young and the kids are still
learning to take their baby steps?

To understand this, let us first get some indisputable facts
on the table.

  FACT 1: There can be no question that Arvind
  Kejriwal (AK), despite his eccentricities, is our
  lodestar.  In Ashutosh's memorable words, our
  undisputed gladiator and hope.  Almost single
  handedly, he navigated our creaking, wooden boat to
  a resounding victory defeating the mighty flotillas
  of the BJP/Congress.  His sincerity, leadership and
  passion is simply unrivalled.

FACT 2. Yogendra Yadav(YY) and Prashant Bhushan (PB) are
easily, two of the most enlightened minds in the country.
Unyielding in their conviction of ideology, they are men of a
million ideas.  Many of these ideas may be outdated and
exasperating to the younger generation, but their integrity
and unbridled love for AAP can never be doubted.  And
certainly they can never be painted as some evil, conniving
Darth Vaders slyly walking around with a nuclear arsenal, out
to torpedo our Starship Enterprise to Utopia.  None of us buy
into this silly argument.  They were only asking relevant,
pertinent questions. If we cannot answer them, the least we
owe them is an explanation.

FACT 3: Delhi 2015 was like the magical elixir of life for
all of us. It reinforced our belief that the idea of AAP was
not just alive, but kicking and kicking real hard.
Reverentially (but not sycophantically) we must acknowledge
that the credit for this resurrection of AAP goes to AK.
Without him, we'd be buried for a long time, and if Delhi
2015 were not to happen, we'd probably enjoy the same
relevance as a vaudeville act in ISIS controlled Iraq and Syria.

But then, is Delhi 2015, our only goal post? Or are we aiming
to shoot faster, higher and stronger, in the near future?

Hence, if these are all undeniable facts, what then is the
genesis of this macabre display of the unbelievable absurd,
unfolding in Delhi, almost on a sickeningly daily basis?  The
answer to my mind lies in the proverbial, titanic clash
between the 'Theory' and the 'Practicals' of our politics.

The 'Theory' of our politics, that YY and PB are prepared to
defend to the death, consists of absolutely no compromise
with any candidate, with even a light shade of gray in their
character -- forget 50 shades.

But in this ruthless world of politics, is any elbow space
for maneouver permitted, to ensure victory at the hustings?
Is self righteousness the only antidote to corruption?  That
is the practical question.

Because, 'practical' (electoral) politics is a different,
unkind kettle of fish altogether.

Here, the art of negotiation and compromise is necessary. A
little bit of 'jugaad' here and there, so long as you don't
lose sight of the larger picture, which is transparent and
accountable politics -- the calling card of AAP.

  It would have been so much more prudent, if once in
  power, Team AK and Team YY would have expended
  their energies to set up and strengthen
  institutions to oversee honest governance in Delhi
  and they still have five years to do so.  This
  interminable slug fest is simply such a waste of time.

Fundamentally, Team AK and Team YY/PB have not been able to
reconcile these two issues.  They've been unable to blend the
'Theory' and 'Practicals' of our politics into a workable model.

Sadly, they have let their bruised egos and innate over-
sensitive natures ride over common sense and are needlessly
letting their hearts rule over their heads.  Is there a way
out of this impasse?  Someway, for this ghastly bloodletting
to stop?

Yes, there is.

  There is however only one man who can do this. AK
  himself, our gladiator and hope.  Despite his pain
  and anguish for being hauled over coals,
  repeatedly, he must summon the courage to unleash
  the most powerful weapon of a great leader -- the
  weapon of forgiveness.

He must be charit