Opinion poll

The importance coming after 51 years is welcome. The congress had all the
time to give due importance, Now they boycott the show or some support
statue and want recognition It is disgusting that speak for opinion poll
now after they are out of power Those that were for merger and worked for
it enjoyed the power, position and privileges and the anger of people
should have booted them out long ago They thrived and prospered a la judas,
provided the GFP with an opportunity to galvanize Goans, The BJP is in
catch 22 situation. Opposing will result in avoidable back lash and
supporting will send signal of impotency, antagonize coalition parterres
and even lead to collapse of Govt in power. What better option then to
avoid back breaking moments then to surrender to  imagined back pain,
Bravo, for wriggling out of situation before hearing the threat to revolt
and pass a motion of stalling statue of father of opinion poll MGP, even
though they have changed the prefix M, the leopard cannot change its  spots
how true. What guts they display to utter that Goan identity is maintained
The margin of win was provided by the south voters as statistics will show
Stalwarts of merger under the banner of MGP migrated to Congress for pelf
and privileges of the ruling party and since then made hay while the sun

Those that enjoyed power, position and perks should have owed their
allegiance at least to those who voted for separate identity, No thought
was veer given to this aspect, The question of separate status was dangling
a carrot, The  formation of state and recognition to the language took ages
and violent agitations Congress need to hang their head in shame, simply
mouthing platitudes that opinion poll was sanctioned by Congress Govt. What
if  the referendum was lost? Did it provide alternative remedy, because
such a referendum was the only one so far in Independent India In fact
Loyola preferred an appeal against referendum not maintainable under
constitution, irrespective of its outcome

It goes tO the credit of GFP to have brought the issue under the focus of
search lights of Goan identity

Keep it up, even if it is apolitical gamble/ gimmick, as GFP was not
existing then nor does their manifesto gave any hint to latch on to the
opinion poll issue Congress is bereft off any  face saving device The

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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