Re: [Goanet] Overseas Goans can help save Goa

2011-01-11 Thread Gina Fernandes
My Dear Goan Brothers and Sisters Residing in Goa  the Overseas...

I am not sure if I am right to say... why don't we request all our Niz Goemkars 
to come out with a signature campaign to kick out the illeterate 
politicians..perhaps this will lead us to the insight of some of our Niz 
Goemkars and help us to see the truth whether they are truly involved in saving 
Goa or just picking lice... suffice to say if we get the majority in the 
signature campaign...we can forward it to the Prime Minister to oust the 
government and have new elections. 

In fact most of the Goans are hand in glove with the present government, who 
fulfill some of their degraded demands...such Goans should be socially 
boycotted...Anyways I wish we could save our Beautiful Goa, which once upon a 
time was given a high pedestal...and now being raped by self centered Goans and 
the 40 thieves...


From: Wilson Wilmix
Sent: Tue, 11 January, 2011 8:01:29 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Overseas Goans can help save Goa

Overseas Goans can help save Goa

There is no doubt, that the Overseas Goan community is the most concerned, 
the future of Goa.

It is not that Goans in Goa are not concerned. There are many in Goa too, who 
are genuinely concerned , but the Overseas  Goans show it openly through their 
continuous writings in the local dailies and much more on the Internet.

But my dear Overseas Goan Brothers and Sisters , showing concern and doing 
something about it , are 2 different  things.
We Goans  in Goa , are very well known to talk , but when it comes to doing 
something about it , we are the first to run away from the situation.

It  is true,  being away from home there is nothing else that the Overseas 
can do, other than showing  their concern by writing about it.

You may also be right in saying that it is the Goans in Goa who should do 
something about it .

But my dear Overseas Goans , you have already seen , over the last 50 years, 
what the Goans , in Goa,  have been doing .

We have been electing the “same old  crooks” over  and over again, to ensure 
that Goa is “plundered’  and “looted” beyond recognition.

We Goans  in Goa have been , not only working but slogging-it-out to ensure 
the “same old crooks” get elected  again and again so that they complete the 
work  the work of “destruction” of Goa,  they have already started .

By this , we Goans in Goa have successfully manged to  :-

1. Sell all Goan Property to Non-Goans.
2. Mow down as many Hills  Forests of Goa , coupled with destruction of Goa,s  
3. Mass conversions of all Agricultural land and Green Areas to 
4. Commercializing of all Goan Beaches, to the extent that  local Goans  have 
access to Goan beaches.
5. Approve Airports in Goa, to serve the convenience of everyone else but Goans.
6. Widen Roads and build new Roads, by demolishing houses of only the poor 
7. Start a process of forcing  an Independent language (Our mother tongue 
Konkani) to become  a dialect of Marathi.

These are only  few of the things we Goans in Goa have managed to achieve so 
far. You leave it to us for one more election-term and  rest assured we will 
successfully manage to :-

1. Ensure  that Goa is in fully owned by  Politicians and Real Estate 
2. Ensure that all Goan  Property will be owned by Non-Goans . They will be our 
Masters and we their humble Servants.
3. Convert all N.G.Os  (Non-Govt.-Organizatios) , to  G.Os (Govt. 
Organizations). These include, Organizations like “Goa Bacchao Abhiyan” etc. , 
which will  be given Government Grants and the main Office Bearers will be 
nominated by the Government.
4. Pass a Bill preventing Overseas Goans  from returning to Goa  as they are to 
be treated as migrants.
5. Amend the “Official language Bill of Goa” to read  as “Marathi will be the 
Official Language of Goa ,  and  all dialects  of Marathi including Konkani , 
may be used for Official purposes”.

My dear Overseas Goans, this is not one of my  “funny stories” like the type I 
normally write. But, this is a “real-forecast ” of things to come.

Many , right-thinking Goans , have put their minds together , on this issue,  
the past and all of them have come to just one solution, ie. “Change the 
Politics  of Goa by bringing  in newer  people into Politics. Bring in people 
with strong moral character, especially from the Youth”.

No amount of shouting , no amount of writing can save Goa now.
The one only thing that can save Goa , is Goans  fielding Candidates , who 
work for Goa , and not for themselves.

But, who will decide on such  “selfless” candidates ?  We all will. Let’s sit 
together to decide. Let’s take it as our joint responsibility.

Remember, if everyone shuns away from this responsibility, the same “filth” 
prevail and we

Re: [Goanet] Overseas Goans can help save Goa

2011-01-11 Thread augusto pinto
Gina Fernandes writes: I am not sure if I am right to say... why don't we
request all our Niz Goemkars to come out with a signature campaign to kick
out the illeterate politicians..

Response: Neither am I, dear Gina.

For one thing most of our politicians are not illiterate (and by the way
illiterate is not spelt 'illeterate') Most have decent educational
qualifications and even those that do not, have an intelligence that usually
far exceeds that of those who may have a string of degrees. They also have
the capacity to embody the aspirations of large numbers of people; they have
the ability to mobilize people; they are opinion leaders ... These sorts of
qualities are not very simple to acquire and retain.

Some people think that just money and muscle power will win elections: if
that were true then the Tatas, the Birlas or the Dempos and the Chowgules
would be Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers. (Someone may point out that
Anil Salgaocar is an MLA - true, but remember that he is just a fringe
player as a politician at least as of now; and that position too he has
gained after considerable effort for he lost an election the first time

True money and muscle are factors but I don't think that voters really can
be bought: if they had realistic choices and not just token 'honest'
candidates to choose from they would have been elected in.

The problem with our politicians is their values: and these values are
strangely just like our own. Like us they worship money. The difference is
that unlike us who do what we do half heartedly, they take their God very
seriously, and they do whatever it takes to appease this deity. This is why
they are so successful in whatever they do.

Those who look down upon politicians do not understand politics and will
never be able to throw those politicians out. Look at your letter, dear
Gina. Sitting comfortably in some foreign clime you hold on to the touching
belief that writing letters and starting signature campaigns will change the
political scenario in Goa. Sigh.

Having said that let me not discourage you. Please don't stop your earnest
efforts. If you can prove my cynical views to be wrong then I'd be glad to
be wrong.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E or
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Overseas Goans can help save Goa

2011-01-11 Thread Roland Francis
If your statement below is true, then you are also saying that Goans have
the leaders they want (and deserve). Therefore you have proved by argument
Gina's contention that only overseas Goans can save Goa, since the present
lot of leaders are without doubt the worst lot you can possibly get.

This is not what I believe (that overseas Goans can save Goa), but this is
the conclusion from your argument.

I hope you have read the post by Camillo Fernandes about the leaders Goa was
fortunate to have just after 1961. Just compare them to now. 


Augusto Pinto writes:
They also have the capacity to embody the aspirations of large numbers of
people; they have the ability to mobilize people; they are opinion leaders

[Goanet] Overseas Goans can help save Goa

2011-01-10 Thread Wilson Wilmix

Overseas Goans can help save Goa

There is no doubt, that the Overseas Goan community is the most 
concerned, about the future of Goa.

It is not that Goans in Goa are not concerned. There are many in Goa 
too, who are genuinely concerned , but the Overseas  Goans show it 
openly through their continuous writings in the local dailies and much 
more on the Internet.

But my dear Overseas Goan Brothers and Sisters , showing concern and 
doing something about it , are 2 different  things.
We Goans  in Goa , are very well known to talk , but when it comes to 
doing something about it , we are the first to run away from the 

It  is true,  being away from home there is nothing else that the 
Overseas Goans can do, other than showing  their concern by writing 
about it.

You may also be right in saying that it is the Goans in Goa who should 
do something about it .

But my dear Overseas Goans , you have already seen , over the last 50 
years, what the Goans , in Goa,  have been doing .

We have been electing the “same old  crooks” over  and over again, to 
ensure that Goa is “plundered’  and “looted” beyond recognition.

We Goans  in Goa have been , not only working but slogging-it-out to 
ensure that the “same old crooks” get elected  again and again so that 
they complete the work  the work of “destruction” of Goa,  they have 
already started .

By this , we Goans in Goa have successfully manged to  :-

1. Sell all Goan Property to Non-Goans.
2. Mow down as many Hills  Forests of Goa , coupled with destruction of 
Goa,s  Eco-System.
3. Mass conversions of all Agricultural land and Green Areas to 
4. Commercializing of all Goan Beaches, to the extent that  local Goans 
 have no access to Goan beaches.
5. Approve Airports in Goa, to serve the convenience of everyone else 
but Goans.
6. Widen Roads and build new Roads, by demolishing houses of only the 
poor Goans.
7. Start a process of forcing  an Independent language (Our mother 
tongue Konkani) to become  a dialect of Marathi.

These are only  few of the things we Goans in Goa have managed to 
achieve so far. You leave it to us for one more election-term and  rest 
assured we will successfully manage to :-

1. Ensure  that Goa is in fully owned by  Politicians and Real Estate 
Developers .
2. Ensure that all Goan  Property will be owned by Non-Goans . They will 
be our Masters and we their humble Servants.
3. Convert all N.G.Os  (Non-Govt.-Organizatios) , to   G.Os (Govt. 
Organizations). These include, Organizations like “Goa Bacchao Abhiyan” 
etc. , which will  be given Government Grants and the main Office 
Bearers will be nominated by the Government.
4. Pass a Bill preventing Overseas Goans  from returning to Goa  as they 
are to be treated as migrants.
5. Amend the “Official language Bill of Goa” to read  as “Marathi will 
be the Official Language of Goa ,  and  all dialects  of Marathi 
including Konkani , may be used for Official purposes”.

My dear Overseas Goans, this is not one of my  “funny stories” like the 
type I normally write. But, this is a “real-forecast ” of things to come.

Many , right-thinking Goans , have put their minds together , on this 
issue,  in the past and all of them have come to just one solution, ie. 
“Change the Politics  of Goa by bringing   in newer  people into 
Politics. Bring in people with strong moral character, especially from 
the Youth”.

No amount of shouting , no amount of writing can save Goa now.
The one only thing that can save Goa , is Goans  fielding Candidates , 
who will  work for Goa , and not for themselves.

But, who will decide on such  “selfless” candidates ?  We all will. 
Let’s sit together to decide. Let’s take it as our joint responsibility.

Remember, if everyone shuns away from this responsibility, the same 
“filth” will prevail and we will have lost Goa  forever.

This may be our last chance to save our beloved Goa.

Today we are a little over a year away, from the next Assembly Elections.

I strongly feel, that there are many among Goans , who have the “will” 
to stand for Elections and do something  for Goa, but they  do not have 
the “big-money” that is normally required to fight an election.

It is here that the the Overseas Goans can be of great help.
I don’t mean to say that the Overseas Goans  should ‘shell-out” all 
their life’s savings into this.  No!

But , by just by setting aside  Ind. Rs. 100/- for saving Goa , 5 Lakh 
Overseas Goans  can collect Ind. Rs. 5 crores . This could easily 
finance the election campaign of 10 candidates @ Ind. Rs. 50,00,000/= 
per candidate.

Is this something very difficult ?

Think it over, my fellow Overseas Goans.

Each one of you, could do your bit to “SAVE GOA” , your Motherland , for 
just Rs. 100/-.

If you lose this opportunity, in the forthcoming Elections, it may be 
too late for Goa.

Goa could be lost for ever.

Come together. Fight over it , if