2022-08-10 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Politicians should be ever so truthful in all that they speak and do. It is
obnoxious when people we have elected as our representatives lie so
blatantly and break promises at the drop of a hat. It shakes the people’s
confidence in those they trusted and entrusted them with Power and the
sacred duty to selflessly serve the common good with integrity and honesty.

Those elected must be accountable for their acts of omission and
commission. At no time should they circumvent the law. Lawmakers must never
be law breakers. We elect them to conscientiously serve the community and
not to swiftly rise from rags to riches. Politicians must not do what is
politically expedient but do what is right. Sadly, our politicians are
notorious for a litany of failed promises and U Turns knowing full well
that they had no intention of fulfilling.

The Rule of law has gone for a total toss with the selective targeting of
political foes so very blatant. Can the ED, IT and CBI not openly see and
investigate those within the BJP who have amassed abundant wealth by wrong
doings? In a small state like Goa itself we have one too many. Our Colvale
central jail would run out of space if the law were to catch up with them

It is now a known fact that if one wants to be insulated from the rigors of
law, joining, or even aligning with the BJP is the only way to be in a safe
haven, temporarily shielded from the long arm of the law. Even a dip in the
Ganges may not cleanse you of those sins.

Emmanuel Macron, the French President wisely warned that ‘When politics is
no longer a mission but a profession, politicians become more self-serving
than public servants’. Some of our politicians have gone further by turning
politics into a cash machine, a personal investment rather than a mission
or even a profession!

Given the calibre and performance of our politicians, everything is
changing. People are now taking their comedians seriously and the
politicians as a joke!
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues




2019-05-06 Thread Aires Rodrigues
It's an unfounded misconception that to serve the community you need to be
a MP, MLA, Corporator or a Panchayat member. It is now widely viewed as a
personal Investment by politicians and as a necessary evil by those who
have to exercise their democratic right.

I feel very humbled that over the last four decades without holding any
post and position, I have in my own little way been able to help thousands
from Polem to Patradevi. It has been all possible with the assistance and
cooperation from the heads of all departments to the officials at all
ranks, not forgetting even the peons who have all been very helpful.

Politics has become the scoundrel's last resort to swiftly rise from Rags
to Riches. It is now a personal gamble rather than a calling or mission to
serve the common good. And of course there are some exceptions and we
should be proud of them.

There is no hope whatsoever that our polity and political turf will ever
improve. It is only further deteriorating and awfully decaying by the day.
The unacceptable antics and behaviour of some of our politicians in recent
times have turned it into a despised profession and looked upon with
disdain and held in low esteem by the very people that they are meant to

A few years ago Supreme Court Judges B.N.Agarwal and G.S.Singhvi had said
that even God cannot save our country from such politicians. Amen

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues

