Stephen Dias, Dona Paula
15th July 2022

The Portuguese government in their abundant largesse has to be praised for
having kept a window of opportunity, so that sons and daughters and
grandsons and granddaughters of those whose birth were registered in Goa on
or before 19th December, 1961 could acquire Portuguese nationality and thus
find lucrative employment in especially the United Kingdom as well as to a
certain extent, in France. Several tens of thousands of Goan youth are now
employed in Europe and they mostly hail from South Goa as well as places
such as Siridao, Agasaim, Santa Cruz and Merces in particular.
However, alas, since these Portuguese passport holders relinquished the
right to vote in Goa on surrendering their Indian passports, by a
conservative estimate, in the past 15-20 years about 4-5 lakh names have
been deleted from the electoral rolls in Goa with the result that a
sizeable percentage of the Goan electorate has shrunk. Make no mistake
about it, these 4-5 lakh voters were mostly supporters of the Congress in
Goa and so the support base of the Congress has reduced considerably thus
resulting in the defeat of the Congress even though Congress till the 2017
Assembly polls managed to garner 17 MLAs. It is very difficult to apportion
responsibility and blame for this turn of events because the youth who
chose to migrate to Europe in particular were not able to find gainful
employment in Goa and thus were left with no other choice then to acquire
Portuguese nationality and thus earn their livelihoods in foreign shores.

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