Human Touch Foundation has organized a thematic *Panel Discussion on
HIV/AIDS and Discrimination* in collaboration with Goa State AIDS Control
Society to mark Zero Discrimination Day by UNAIDS on *Friday, 1 March 2019
| Nalanda Hall, 5th Floor, EDC House, Panjim, 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm*

The panel discussion challenges people to inform themselves about
discrimination. We can all challenge discrimination and spread the
knowledge. Ending discrimination is the right thing to do. It is good for
our communities, good for the economy and good for the future.

This panel discussion will provide a platform for affected populations,
experts and leaders on HIV and discrimination rights to: (i) discuss and
bring to light the experiences of individuals and communities living and
affected by HIV and AIDS; and (ii) offer concrete proposals to transform
the future local HIV response by addressing deep seated forms of stigma and
discrimination and challenges to comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment,
care and support.

*The opening statement* will be given by Dr. Jose D’Sa, Project Director,
Goa State AIDS Control Society and the discussion will be moderated by
Peter F. Borges, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Human Touch Foundation

The panellists include Dr. (Fr.) Allan Tavares on HIV Stigma,
Discrimination and Faith; Diana Dias on the many faces of transgender
discrimination; Dr. Shradha Mulgaonkar Patil on Towards Zero Discrimination
in health-care settings; Adv. Albertina Almeida on Legal framework against
HIV discrimination; Dr. Aldina Braganza on Towards Zero discrimination in
educational settings and Ms. Celina on Lived Experiences of Stigma and

The registration could be done at by 25th February 2019 via  For queries, contact Richard @ +91
81975 49909, Basavaraj @ +91 99608 18587 | Michael @ +91 82752 59185

 Iris C F Gomes

Editor of Prutha (

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