[Goanet] Plight Of The Goan Voter

2012-02-16 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
The plight of the Goan Voter

Since the first elections in 1963, the quality of Goan polity has only
deteriorated and at present it is at its worse. Goans are frustrated
with all that is happening and most of them have finally realized that
they themselves are to be blamed for the plight of Goa and Goans
today. It looks like the whole wide world knows what’s good for Goa
and Goans barring Goans themselves, isn’t that ironical ? First it was
Delhi who annexed Goa, then Mumbai wanted Goa to come under its ambit,
then the butcher of Gujarat thought he could influence Goans and now
even the Bongs think they know what’s good for Goa. It’s now high time
we Goans realized what’s really good for us.

Political institutions were suppose to be virtuous, with a sane
ideology of, welfare of land and its people before anything else but
the greed for power and money, has turned politics into a cesspool of
indignity and corruption with neither respect nor dignity associated
with it. The sanctity or the divinity that was hyphenated with
politics at its inception has long been detached and replaced by
malevolence and deceit and today anxiety has indeed replaced
anticipation, as political ambitions have diabolically magnified well
beyond the point of distortion and as such Goans are seeking a way out
of this quandary.

After two decades of pro-Maharashtra bias dynastic rule of the MGP,
Goans saw a ray of hope when the Congress became a force in Goa but
unfortunately three decades down the line Goans are gasping and
struggling for their very survival, sinking deeper in the quicksand of
corruption, pseudo-secularism, communalism, environmental degradation
and nepotism. Unfortunately the short stint of the BJP did more damage
than good, in their attempt to influence the majority community for
the sake of the “chair”, for the first time brought communal
disharmony in Goa which nearly led to confrontation and violence,
which did not help its cause.

Everyone, young and the old today know that the Congress in Goa is
fully drenched and entrenched in corruption and to accelerate the
momentum even further, it has now opted for “Family Raj” politics, so
that just a few families holding on to the power reins of Goa can
gallop away to monetary glory, leaving Goa and Goans in shambles and
in ruins.

BJP on the other hand is playing the healer and pledges to dispel and
despise the communal demons but unfortunately, they have embraced a
part of the very corrupt sodality, the MGP, who had been on a
corruption rampage with their old allies. The MGP knowing that
Congress is a sinking ship have abandoned it and surprisingly BJP has
embraced them with open arms, so what is the difference in the
ideologies of the BJP and the Congress ? Taking a look at the BJP run
states in India, it is very unfortunate that they too have been
systematically infected by corruption, communalism and nepotism which
proves that the BJP and the Congress are two sides of the same coin or
at best, one worse than the other.

Today as predicted, there are a lot of disgruntled elements who were
seeking election tickets from the corrupt and communal parties but
were disappointed and so now they are calling the pot black, beware of
such hypocrites who are singing like canaries, the misdeeds of the
very same parties they long supported and even aspired to be their
candidates. Now, only when they were denied tickets they have realized
the flaws and the misdeeds of their old parties, how very unfortunate

The lack of principles in the two central parties, has put Goans in a
fix, who is good and whom to vote ? Goans are looking for the sun to
shine brightly over Goa, but how to clear the dark clouds and get that
sunshine, this is the plight of the Goan voter today, as we near the
voting day, do we still vote for the lesser evil or do we opt for
communalism over corruption ? Or are we so frustrated that we finally
want to get rid of both the corrupt and the communal ?

As I said before Congress has amply demonstrated that they do not have
the will nor the inclination to work for the welfare of Goa and Goans
and the BJP is certainly not the substitute for the ills propagate by
themselves and the Congress. We have a lot of options, good
candidates, excluding the disgruntled angry one who were not given
tickets by the two central parties. Vote for candidates who will fight
to save what’s left of our beloved Goa. Elect those candidates who
really love Goa but in all earnest, to save Goa we need to love Goa
first, do we truly love Goa ? If we do, let’s vote to save Goa. Goa
jai ho !

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[Goanet] Plight Of The Goan Voter

2012-02-18 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Freddy, on a lighter note, goan political parties too have spread their
wings. Incidentally Jharkhand has two UGDP MLA’s viz. Joba Majhi from
Manoharpur and Bandu Tirkey from Mandar.

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*Freddy Fernandes:*

*It looks like the whole wide world knows what’s good for Goa and Goans
barring Goans themselves, isn’t that ironical ? First it was Delhi who
annexed Goa, then Mumbai wanted Goa to come under its ambit, then the
butcher of Gujarat thought he could influence Goans and now even the Bongs
think they know what’s good for Goa. It’s now high time we Goans realized
what’s really good for us.*

* *

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at: http://www.goanet.org/petition/petition.php
