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Political patronage for industrial pollution in Goa

Migration is always a difficult task for the first generation
migrants, says my Belgium-based Goa born friend Francis Jawahar
Borges. He is one of the many Goans who have migrated to different
parts of the world in search of greener pastures. The question that
immediately springs up is why successive governments in Goa have not
been able to keep the large number of young migrating population tied
to the land.
Goa’s strength lies in its human resources, but successive government
have failed to come up with a plan to tap the talent.  Instead, the
Goan politicians have brought in polluting and energy sucking
industries like the Iron ingots melting companies which dot several
industrial estates in Goa including my own village Cuncolim.
No guess on who pocketed the money bags from the industry owners. The
Industry ministry, the chief minister and power minister all were
happy when they got money laden suitcases in the early 90’s. But now
if you visit Cuncolim industrial estate and its surrounding areas the
destruction is clear, you do not need microscope to see it, it is
vivid to the naked eye.
The ministers I hear (reliable source who is related to the former
chief minister),  have stacked up some of the money in Swiss bank but
Cuncolkars continue to suffer. Two years back I read that the High
Court of Mumbai Goa bench had directed the Goa Pollution board to
conduct a survey and find out the extend of pollution in Cuncolim.
What is the fate of the inquiry and what is the current state of the
water pollution levels in and around the industrial estate, no one
The activists in Cuncolim which includes United Goans Democratic party
 leader Jerson Fernandes, has suddenly blown hot and cold over the
pollution issue. He raised the bogey of pollution on the eve of the
assembly election but having lost in the race to get to the hot seat
of the Goa assembly, he has not followed with the pollution case.
This is one of the fallacies of the Goan politics, take up issues on
the eve of elections and when people do  not support you, leave the
agitating masses without a leader.
Jerson has been in the forefront now in opposing the football academy
in Cuncolim, but as a true and disciplined social worker the urgent
need of the hour is to go in to issues beyond the surface and find out
what ails the polluting industries in Cuncolim.
It is common knowledge that recently the Member of the Legislative
Assembly from Cuncolim demanded one crore from a polluting industry
which was shut after the death of three persons.
The ground situation in Cuncolim is that many residents of the village
staying in a radius of five kilometers have closed the well. But it is
not only the drinking water which is affected by the pollutants
sipping into the ground water level but the pollutants  finding its
way into irrigation cnal which has raised concerns.
It is time that activists from Goa and Cuncolim in particular get
their act together and push the pollution board against the wall, but
for that they need to do their homework. Lest the pitfall of the case
falling fall in the highest court – the Supreme Court – does not
befall again.

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