A *rough*, machine translation of some of the sessions coming up this weekend

Portuguese and Post-Colonial Goa:

10:00  Opening Session
Helena C. Buescu (CEC / FLUL)
Ana Paula Laborinho (CEC / FLUL)
Everton V. Machado (CEC / FLUL)
Duarte D. Braga (CEC / FLUL)

10:30 Opening Plenary Session
Chair: Helen C. Buescu
K. David Jackson (Yale U., USA) Goa and Orientalism.
11:30 to 11:45 Coffee Break

11:45 First Session
Poesia em língua portuguesa  / Poetry in Portuguese
Chair: Everton V Machado (CEC / FLUL)
Joana Passos (CEHUM): Goan Poetry in Portuguese and the theme of the
dancers: projections, mythologies and chauvinism of the exotic
Duarte D.  Braga (CEC / FLUL): Shiva, Marx and Vasco da Gama: cultural
affiliations and "hybridity" in *No Pais de Suria* by Paulino Dias.
12:45 Lunch Break / Lunch Break

13:50 Second Session
Literature and institutional practice
Chair: Ana Paula Avelar (Open U.)
Rochelle Pinto (Delhi U.): Writing, Rebellion and spies - questions of
truth in nineteenth century Goa
Luis Cabral de Oliveira (IP Leiria / UNL)  Breda and Coimbra: paths to the law?
Cristiana Bastos (ICS): Grey literature with a psychedelic core: the
social commentary in the medical reports from  nineteenth century

15:00 Third Session
Travel, empires and writing
Chair: Duarte D. Braga (CEC / FLUL)
Ana Paula Avelar (Open U.): The view of Goa in the 'East ...' of
Adolfo Loureiro.
Everton V. Machado: Westernization / Orientalization in Tomas
Ribeiro's *Jornadas* (1874).
Filipa Lowdnes Vicente (ICS): Writing on The Other India: British
women travel narratives on Goa in the 1870s.
Rogério Miguel Puga (CETAPS, / FCSH): Goa in Ruins: Echoes and
intertextual reading of British and Portuguese India in *Goa and the
Blue Mountains* (1851), Sir Richard Francis Burton.

18:30 Tribute to Orlando da Costa (Casa Fernando Pessoa)
Chair: Everton V Machado (CEC / FLUL)
Urbano Tavares Rodrigues, Maria Barroso, Mario de Carvalho and written
testimony of Jose Manuel Mendes.



10:00 Fourth Session
Orientalism and Hinduism
Chair: Filippa Lowdnes Vicente (ICS)
Jason Keith Fernandes (ISCTE): The curious case of Goan orientalism.
Sandra Lobo Ataíde (CHC / FCSH): Eulogy on the work of  Vasconcelos:
Orientalism in the Hindu and nineteenth-century Portuguese
Rui Lopo (CFUL / UL): *A India* of Adeodato Barreto: universality,
exemplary and pioneering.
11:20 to 11:40 Coffee Break / Coffee break

11:40 Fifth Session
Colonialism and the cultural-religious identity
Chair: Christopher Larkosh (UMass Dartmouth, USA)
Claudia Pereira (ISCTE): 'O Ultimo Olhar de Manu Miranda'.
Portuguese  Goa of Orlando da Costa and contemporary Goa: Christianity
and Hinduism.
Helder Garmes (U. Sao Paulo, Brazil): Colonialism and cultural
conflict in 'O signo da ira' by Orlando da Costa
Susana Sardo (U. Aveiro): Hosts of the East. The image of the East in
Goan folklore and literature music in the twentieth century
13:00 Lunch Break / Lunch Break

14:00 Sixth Session
Goa and post-coloniality / 1
Chair: Helder Garmes (U. Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Sheila Khan (CICS-Minho): So this is the metropolis. Thinking Goa in
Portuguese postcoloniality
Paul Melo e Castro (U. Leeds, RU): Attitudes That Wind: *Os Contos* of
Eduardo de Sousa and a  Post-1961 View of an Elite in a Sunset.
16:00 Coffee Break / Coffee Break

16:30 Seventh Session
Goa and post-coloniality and postcoloniality / 2
Chair: Paul Melo e Castro (U. Leeds, RU)
Gitika Gupta (FLUC): *Moncao*: Calibrations and contrapuntal mo(o)de
Benedito Ferrao (Birkbeck College, U. London, RU): Blue Jesus is a
Muslim: The postcolonial Goan in Salman Rushdie's *Midnight's
Christopher Larkosh (UmassDartmouth, USA): On Luso-Asian texts and the
Possibilities for postcolonial reading.
16:30 to 17:00 Coffee Break / Coffee Break

17:00 Closing Plenary Session / Closing Plenary
Chair: Everton V Machado (CEC / FLUL)
Rosa Perez (ISCTE): Orientalism the Orient.
[Please excuse errors in translation, or post corrections to ]
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