Dear Alexandre

Kindly publish this letter
Stephen Dias

Pramod Sawant seems to be working overtime to convince his 'masters' and
his vote bank that he is nothing more than a dyed-in-the-wool saffron RSS
bigot. Perhaps he has realized that he owes his position to a party that
has a proven track-record of promoting those who show fascist thinking. The
Pramod Sawant we see now has been brainwashed by his training in the RSS
philosophy and like his other brainwashed brethren, has lost his ability to
think for himself. Like the blind leading the blind, he allows his Fuhrer
to tell him what to think and do. And being the cowards they are, the only
thing they can do is use violence against the poor and weak, who are unable
to stand up to their intimidation tactics.

Let me say this. In the past, before India was united into the country it
is now, external aggression was common and the Mughals and later Europeans
controlled the county for large periods of time. The seeds of dissension
were sowed long before, but especially courtesy of the British Divide and
Rule concept, unity was a hard-fought-for prize. It took brave men like
Tilak, Gandhiji, Patel, Nehru to unite us so that we could show a united
face to our colonialists. If it was not for them, Britain would never have
given India its independence.

It fell on the shoulders of these great men to lead the country in its
infancy. People like Bhimrao Ambedkar, whose birthday we all celebrated on
14th April just a few days ago, was given the job of drafting the
Constitution. And it was due to his wisdom that India has a modern,
secular, democratic Constitution. It is because of these strong roots of
freedom and equality that India has made such great progress compared to
its neighbours. Unfortunately, in the last decade of Fascism that India has
been subjected to, we have swiftly slipped from the status of a developing
nation to even below countries like Bangladesh.

I am a Catholic and the Constitution allows me freedom to profess and
practice my faith. Hinduism is an age-old way of life and practice in our
country and it is as old as mankind itself as it evolved with time and over
the years. My ancestors were probably Hindus until they along with many
others were probably converted to Christianity after the conquest of Goa by
Afonso de Albuquerque. Many of those converted in Goa were the Sudras and
other tribes who were exploited by the Marathas and the Brahmins. Many
Chardos also converted, perhaps for better prospects. However the upper
caste Brahmins were not oppressed and in fact remained part of the elite.
This I remember as I grew up in those days. Soon the last of us who
actually lived through those times may not be left to give witness and then
the government will be unimpeded in their quest to re-write history. A very
dangerous thing indeed. I have to hope that honest and thorough researchers
will keep the truth burning bright. One very interesting article I read
online recently by Amita Kanekar - "Shaiva v/s Vaishnava in Portuguese Goa"
- for instance gives a detailed account of provable facts showing the
positive dynamic between upper class Hindus and the British.  In hindsight,
even though my ancestors might have been converted, I have no regrets and
prefer to remain a Catholic, and much more importantly, to try and always
be a good and ethical person, because it appeals to my reason and

It is disgusting that a Chief Minister is debasing himself and getting into
a 'tu tu main main' over the religious beliefs of Catholics, Muslims and
other religions. Of course he is only bothered about Ghar wapsi of people
back to Hinduism.

A person who does not respect the secular values enshrined in our
Constitution is a misfit as a CM of any state of the republic. Every
religion has had a dark history and must be forgiven for the distant past.
We have to move forward doing the best we can from today. This dark past is
true for Hinduism also. Dear Mr. Pramod Sawant, Hinduism has been modified
and made acceptable by abolishing Sati and thus saving lakhs of widows who
otherwise were forced to immolate themselves on the funeral pyre of their
husbands. Also the ugly practice of child marriage was banned. The
exploitation of the backwards, low caste dalits who did the work of
scavengers was stopped. Your belief in the existence of forced conversions
in the past does not mean you can take away the free will of people today.
Let everyone choose their religion and their practices.

Pramod Sawant is obsessed with raking up the ghosts of the past by breaking
down places of worship of all other religions. But does he know that as per
the Constitution if he is not secular, he cannot continue as CM? Let
bygones be bygone and let us all live together in peace and harmony. Let us
celebrate the goodness of Christmas, Easter, Ganesh, Diwali, Eid and any
other religious festival with gaiety and solemnity. We need all religions
to profess equality, brotherhood, sacrifice for the holistic development of
our society at large.

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