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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

<>  from
the brink 


In one fell swoop, the world's largest, most diverse electorate pulled the
country back from the brink. In deference to the aspirations of the rising
middle class, the centre held and gave the country a real chance against the
barbarism that has threatened to sink it. Going into India's 15th general
election, posturing politicians and clueless media created a scare that
India was doomed to uncertainty, its future mortgaged to small-time caste
chieftains and fringe fascist groups.

Meanwhile, the BJP was at its hectoring loudest with its communal
propaganda. The Left pretended to be a rallying point for petty regional
satraps, who seemed to spring from every nook and cranny. Nobody gave the
Congress a chance, writing it off as a spent force with no grassroots

The recently concluded first term of the UPA government was notable for the
boorish behaviour of the opposition BJP and the churlish support of the Left
parties. The BJP blatantly refused to let Parliament function with its vocal
opposition and strong-arm tactics. The Left, an erstwhile UPA ally, embarked
on a foolhardy course of confrontation with the prime minister that
eventually led to a rupture.

Fortunately, timely backing of the Samajwadi Party helped the government win
the confidence vote precipitated by the Left's withdrawal of support over
the Indo-US nuclear deal. But even then the BJP persisted with its dramatic
obstructionism, producing legislators waving wads of money in the well of
the house; money they claimed was offered to them to switch sides.
Meanwhile, the Mayawati-led BSP circled over this melee like a vulture
hoping to scavenge the remains of the political process.

Reflected in the boorish glare of media incompetence, the political
imbroglio seemed like some dark and foreboding Shakespearean tragedy in
which judgement had fled to brutish beasts and men had lost their reason.
Many of us hoped for the best but feared the worst.

The clamour surrounding the general election obscured a fundamental reality:
India has changed and the vast majority of its people are either actually or
by aspiration, middle class. Thanks to the government's inclusive policies,
the number of stakeholders in the India growth project has increased
dramatically. The 2009 election outcome allows us to hope that a critical
mass has been achieved to stabilise the ship of state.

One thing is clear: old divides of caste and religion were bridged as the
Congress chalked up support across caste and religious lines. It's now
obvious that voters are tired of posturing and brinkmanship; they've had it
with screaming and shouting over non-issues; they have rejected twisted
propaganda that a non-Congress, non-BJP alternative is a possibility. The
confused media purveyed this line, adding to the noise and distortions of
the campaign. But voters showed maturity and a deep concern for the future
to vote in the Congress-led coalition.

As such, voters have plumped for stability over chaos, substance over
frivolity, wisdom over cunning, decency over crudity. In the same fell
swoop, voters have put paid to the political future of L.K. Advani,
Mayawati, Mulayam Singh, Lalu Prasad, Ram Vilas Paswan, Jayalalitha, Arjun
Singh and even Narendra Modi, whose low and abusive style turned people off
everywhere and has drawn criticism from all quarters, including the BJP.
These men and women were mainly responsible for the chaotic and confused
politics of the two decades past.

Yet, perhaps the most significant outcome of the recent general election is
that the people of India seem to have acknowledged that shallow and divisive
politics is the prime reason behind the lack of development and the
persistence of poverty across large swathes of the country. This new
awareness is hugely welcome. Now there's a real possibility that politics
could become a facilitator of growth and equity rather than the corrupt and
cynical power play it became in the last three decades of the 20th century.

The election result also has global consequences. To be sure, it enhances
India's standing in the world. In a rough neighbourhood pocked with the
likes of Pakistan's Taliban, Sri Lanka's LTTE, Nepal's Maoists and
Bangladeshi Islamists, India is a haven of stability and progress. It boasts
a rapidly expanding middle class that can become a leading engine of global
economic growth. Investors understand that potential demand here could drive
the global economy and keep it chugging for the next few decades.

Just think: despite fast-track growth in the telecom sector, penetration is
barely 40 percent. Nearly 700 million Indians remain to be hooked on to the
telecom grid. It's the same with automobiles, power, transportation,
construction, retail, civil aviation, agriculture and what have you. Is it
any wonder the stock market took off into the stratosphere within minutes
after it opened on the Monday after the election results were announced?

In the next two decades, India could leapfrog into the ranks of developed
countries. The 2009 election outcome prophesies that the transformation has
begun in earnest. It is wonderful that it was ushered in by the largest
voter franchise in the world.

This Column Appeared in Education World, June 2009

Copyright Rajiv Desai 2009


Posted by Rajiv N Desai at
<> 10:30 AM
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