----- Original Message -----
From: floriano.lobo
To: CC oscar Rebello Dr. ; goa2...@herald-goa.com
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:45 AM



Dear Oscar,
We at GSRP can see that the  utter desperation has set in.
And, No. You are very much wrong when you say " BADE BADE DESHON MEIM AISI 
CHOTI CHOTI BATEIN BOTI REHTI HAI"  Founding principles of any Institution or 
Organization are not CHOTI CHOTI BATEIN. They are the mainstains, which can 
pull down the building if tempered with, like your heartbeat Kejri has done.  
USSR, for your kind information went down because it went for gun-power rather 
than the bread to fill up the hungry bellies. They realized that they couldn't 
compete with a nation which, as a priority, keeps bellies full and then invests 
in guns. These are, again, not your type of Choti Choti Batein.

The AAP topi was totally out of place on a A-POLITICAL HEAD of yours, anyway. 
We could see it from a distance.
No, You wouldn't give up your Medical Carrier for no AAP, just like Remo, but 
saw a wonderful chance to exercise you Master of Ceremonies 'tonsils'  ALL OVER 
INDIA as the Super-Star Mascot of AAP. Apart from this 'gift of the gab' what 
do you have w.r.t. to Social Activism, Oscar??

We wetted our pants when you were made the convenor of GBA. But then, we had to 
rinse them twice over when you declared GBA APOLITICAL and helped the crook 
politicians to nibble at the foundation of our very GOA. To give you an 
example, you were put on the Task Force to check out the Draft  Regional Plan 
2011 from cover to cover. But Datta Naik's ambitious projects of building 
CONDOMINIUM for Migrant Labour in Goa escaped your scrutiny. WHY? HOW?  This 
was the reason you were shamefully thrown out as the failed Convenor of GBA, 
and it is still finding its tottering feet. Were you responsible? You did not 
need to use flowery language to resurrect the limping horse of AAP when you 
yourself could have been carried by GOANS on gold-trapped palanquins if you had 
the sense to judge the pulse of the 5000 odd crowd at the Azad Maidan in 2006 
agitating against the RP-2011. But Masters of Ceremonies and medical wheesels 
do not have the brains to evaluate these sentiments of the people.

If you think you are a superman, than think twice. Admittedly, you may be a 
superman when you put your pen to the paper. And, you may be a superman when 
you apply your oversized tonsils to the microphone. But surely, you do not know 
ABC of what ticks clean politics. If you need a refresher on this, just open 
the ROAD MAP FOR GOA and the Constitution booklet given to you with love and 
appreciation, which must be lying somewhere in your office cubboards and go 
through them if you want to learn how political parties are built.

And just one more thing, dear Oscar. You must know that OPPORTUNITY comes just 
once. You have BLOWN it. All that you can do now is to use that AAP topi [which 
has blown away in the photo caption of this TOI article]  to blow your sorry  
running nose over a failed enterprise that you invested in,  bait, hook and 


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