Humble request to our  beloved Archbishop  Filipe Neri of goa who usually
celebrate the feast mass of St Francis Xavier,  every year you'll reserve
the front row for the CM , Ministers and MLAs of Goa Government.
I request you this time not to reserve the same for them as it will  send
wrong signals to goans as well as the Cristian community and hurt them as
this are the same person who has given illegal permission for structure at
Old Goa , it will be a big insult to the women who are on hunger strike,
and it will be like making a joke of the priest who tells sermons on this
illegal structure , I am a lay person but I can understand the damage that
will be done to Christianity if this people are given place in front row
,who after the mass go and start to drink irrespective of their parties and
put it on social media, God came in this world for sinners to save them and
change them  but this people instead of changing themselves they have
reached near out st Francis church to grab the heritage land , please if
any one want to add something to the message please do add and forward it
to your groups so that atleast in shame this people will stay without
coming for the mass.

Stephen Dias
Social Activist
Dona Paula
29th Nov 2021

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