Hi  Eugene,
I noted that in a recent letter of yours to GoaNet , you posed a critical view of how the monies earned by the director/ producer in Toronto tiatrs appeared to escape rewarding the actors who spent long hours going to practices and rehearsing......you seemed to imply that the director/ producer team was making a large amount off the work of the players. I noticed that Jr. Menezes in his rather long discourse explained that it cost a lot of money to film and produce some of the scenes that were projected onto the screens as part of the " special effects " as backdrops to some scenes. I just wondered if that explanation satisfied you........or you felt it was a weak excuse ?

Joe Lobo

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eugene Correia" <gene_corr...@yahoo.com>
To: <goa...@goanet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Remembering a Goan victim

Today, June 23, is the 25th anniversary of the Air India Flight 182 crash over Ireland, allegedly by Sikh extremists in Canada. There was one Goan from Canada who perished on the flight. He was Anthony Desa. Among the more than 100 victims, there is one R. D'Souza and, I think, his first name is Ronald. But he was possibly from the US who came to Toronto to take the connecting flight to India. Not sure if he was Goan. Just last week a five-volume inquiry report was released. The report blamed Canadian secret service agency and the Royal Mounted Canadian Police. The report said it was a Canadian tragedy and, hence, the PM issued an apology to the victims' families. Today he will take part in the commemoration ceremony in downtown Toronto that will include putting up a new memorial. The old one has damaged by culprints.


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