Dear Melvyn,
You are obsolutely right that good guys contesting elections is almost ruled 
out bcos of lack of funding. But no individual or party has ever displayed 
intent to cleanse our rotten political and administrative system. 
A good individual can become bad subsequently due to lure or bad advisors. But 
what if we can have systems, such that even a bad guy would not be able to act 
Let us take an example: Bad regional plan was crafted by bad people three years 
ago. GBA acted (more important: not merely twitted, wrote or advised) to get it 
scrapped two years ago. But this scrapping was done by intervention of the new 
CM (an individual), who wanted to build his image as a good guy. Over a time he 
created his image and had firmer hold on his chair. He then started diluting 
his commitment for a good regional plan. GBA has branded him as lier and are 
trying their best to pressurise him again to revert to the good regional 
The constitution has given us remedial system: The judiciary. But judiciary is 
too slow particularly in Goa. One reason could be that almost all efficient 
advocates are entangled in mining web. It is this mining from which the current 
political disposition draws its wealth and clout. Due to huge fees paid by 
mining companies the fees of advocates have sky rocketted just like huge funds 
required to contest elections.
So for all good guys: Cannot cotest elections (no legislative say) and cannot 
hire efficient advocate (no judicial remedy). All this because costs of both 
have gone high due too much money in mining, without commensurate efforts, 
investments, risks or Know-how.  
Now coming back to having systems such that even a bad guy cannot act bad. I 
feel this is the need of the hour. Any suggestions?
Rajendra Kakodkar 9822101450
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 Melvyn Ferrao <> wrote
Subject: [Goanet] Why boycott elections or contest them?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I think the possibility of Camillo contributing to Samir Kelekar's election
fund is zero. That is true not only of Camillo but of everyone involved in
cribbing about current politicians. If any of these people start out to
contest elections, they will themselves manage to gather no funds. This
means everyone of these guys will boycott elections but will never contest
them. So for eternity we will have people daringly stating that all
politicians should be drowned. This also means we will have a bad government
like the current one over and over again for us, our children and their

What would be worthwhile is to unitedly go for the better alternative party
which has proven themselves in Goa in the past instead of boycotting

Melvyn Ferrao

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