[Goanet] Right to Vote

2010-01-11 Thread Goanet News Service

Right to Vote

On Friday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced that Non Resident 
Indians (NRIs) would soon be made eligible to vote in elections in the 

LISA MONTEIRO captures reactions of NRIs on this decision.

"It is a great idea because we as NRIs are not residents of this state 
of Kuwait. We only live here temporarily: It is as if we are just taking 
leave from India to work. The banks in India make interest/profit on the 
money we deposit or send there. So in a way we are contributing to the 
country as that money is definitely used by the government to enhance 
their projects.

Moreover, when we come down to Goa, why should we be forced to make a 
voting card again? Since we come down for just a short visit, we should 
have one ready and waiting for us. Plus we have our own houses and we 
pay house tax, so why should we be made to feel like we don't belong to 
India? As Gulfies, particularly, we cannot have residence here, no 
matter how long we live and work in Kuwait."

Antonio Fernandes, Engineer
Kuwait, past 30 years

"The government will also have to look into the logistics of carrying 
out the exercise. We NRIs cannot incur the expenditure and time of 
flying for every election to India. Some arrangements will have to be 
made, so that the exercise is carried out smoothly and effectively. My 
Goan friends and I are overjoyed with this news. We have been 
campaigning for this cause for a long time in Cyber space and are eager 
to make a positive change in the political scenario by electing people 
with a clean record to the assembly and parliament."

Armstrong Vaz, journalist
Qatar, past four years

"I welcome this latest statement of the Prime Minister. It is a great 
step towards getting NRI involvement in the affairs of their 
state/country. NRI Goans contribute significantly to the Goan economy 
but unfortunately are not properly acknowledged by the Goa Government. 
For example, The Goa Government Economic Data does not show the 
contribution of the NRI's towards the States GDP. Also
this idea can be most beneficial for Goans; as we are one of the few 
states in the country that has the highest percentage of NRIs to local 
state population."

Arwin Mesquita, Brand Manager
UAE, past five years

"I've been out of India for so many years that T don't know - what the 
scene there is like anymore. How is it possible for me to choose a 
leader when I am not aware of what is happening in the country? I think 
it is best left to the locals of the land to choose a leader because 
ultimately they will be living in the country and will have to deal with 
the consequences.

The politics in India are so corrupt that it is difficult to comprehend 
what's happening. Changes in the government keep taking place every few 
months. Since us NRIs are not up-to-date with the activities in India, 
an important decision like choosing the next leader shouldn't be left in 
our hands. Our interference might only prove to be detrimental to the 
country and its people."

Prexedes Gomes, Ground staff (KA)
Kuwait. past 27 years

"It is a good idea to be a part of the process in the interest of 
development, planning, social and economical trends of the country. We, 
the gulf Goans/Indians are bound to return sooner or later to India as 
our abode here is temporary no matter what our financial standing is. 
Among the demands put forth at the Goa association in Kuwait, one has 
been the right to vote. We keenly follow each and every event and 
political happening in Goa and India as a whole."

Gasper Almeida, Marketting Head
Kuwait, past 27 years

"I feel, even though we do not live in India we are still people of the 
land. We contribute a considerable amount to the growth of the country 
by sending money home and buying land, houses, etc. It	is also where we 
possibly see ourselves resettling in the future. In view of this we 
should be given the right to choose a candidate for the best possible 
future of India."

Amanda Mazarello, Special educator
Sydney, Australia, past one year

"This has been the demand of NRI's to every Govt delegation that came 
overseas. Many a times during the election time, the politician for 
example in Goa influence the voter just around the time of election.

But this will not happen in case of NRI's. Most Goans atleast based in 
the Gulf keep an update of the political developments in Goa, and the 
conduct of the ministers and MLA's. We, the Gulf Goans learn our 
ministers through the works and not through their election bhaxons.
Hence, the NRI will vote for a better candidate, as he will not be 
infleunced by their last minute empty promises and last minute bribes. 
Although this little percentage of votes may not change much but atleast 
it can change the fate of one or two candidates. Morevoer, the NRIs 
contribute to the national economy and they should be given a right to 
have a say in the govt formation also - which through this right of voting."


[Goanet] Right to vote is propagated as sacred in democracy

2024-03-22 Thread Nelson Lopes
Right  to vote is sacred in Democracy

Voters are woed to vote to protect democracy ,albeit  to secure  interest
of politicians to make politics as their best career .After voting is over
they are not bound to voters and their stock answer  in the interest of
growth is an unconvincing  canard.  Most of defecrors are in the limbo
after grand entry into the party.Do they jeordise their future  and self
growth without  monetary  or positions.? Black money fuels the defections
and wantom poaching with threats of investigations.True every politician
has skeletons in their cupboards.The wealth amassed by politicians is envy
of industrialist and business tycoons. Voters must  wisely  alternate
parties for checks, balances and  transparency. Elections alone send
shivers down their spine..The position is steadfast on EVM, but counting of
VPAT is no big deal .Refusal  smells foul manipulations as  been
demonstrated . Restrictions to two terms maximum is another measure to
controll greed for power. Poachig,  defections can be ended by change of
statutes  forcing  to seek re elections.Our  votes only legitimises
entrenchment in the system  .Voters consent is taken for granted
 Vote must ensure change in  healthy democracy. The witchhunt is only
against opposition parties and freezing of accounts and arrest of CM's on
the eve of elections is deliberate scutling of level playing field.The
religious divide ,hatred and indifference is a red signal of wellbeing of
institutions of Democracy.The unravelling of  electoral Bonds  shows the
heights of corruption and reasons thereon.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes