Right wing Hindutva Neo-Nazi thugs launch anti-Christian pogrom in the
Indian state of Orissa
Friday 12th of September 2008
Dr. Amarjit Singh, Khalistan Affairs Center

Anti-Christian pogrom in the Indian state of Orissa burning many
churches & killing many innocent Christian

India's Sikh minority better beware & keep it's 'powder'dry as it is
going to be next

Washington D.C. -  A secret internal Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
survey, taken some weeks ago, had painted a grim picture for the
political ambitions of the right wing, Neo-Nazi, fascist party in the
forthcoming Indian Lok Sabha (Parliament) elections. The comprehensive
internal study showed that the BJP would not be able to win more than
140 Lok Sabha (parliament) seats as compared to the 2004 Lok Sabha
polls when it won 130.

The gloomy internal survey immediately triggered a rethink, in the
fascist Bharatiya Janata Party leadership, about electoral advantages
of well-timed pogroms against India's monotheistic Christian, Muslim
and Sikhs minorities in Hindu-majority India. The first shot under the
BJP's current (2008) strategic rethink was fired by the departing
'Neo-Nazi' Governor of Indian occupied Kashmir, retired General Sinha,
when he, 'out of the blue', three days before his departure in May
2008, started a controversy, over allocation of state forest land to a
150-years old Hindu 'phallic'shrine located in a cave in the
Muslim-majority Indian 'colony'of Kashmir, a friendly neighbor of Sikh
Punjab. The Amarnath cave is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, and is
located in Indian occupied Muslim-majority Kashmir. The cave is
situated at an altitude of 3,888 meters (12,760 ft) about 141 km (88
miles) from Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir. Inside the main Amarnath
cave lies an ice stalagmite resembling the Shiva Lingam (the phallic
symbol – an erect male penis - used in the worship of Hindu god Siva)
which waxes during May to August and gradually wanes thereafter. This
lingam is said to grow and shrink with the phases of the moon,
reaching its height during the three-month-long summer festival when
thousands of Hindu pilgrims come a calling to the Amarnath cave.

The thuggish BJP elements in Jammu province of Indian occupied Kashmir
immediately seized theAmarnath cave 'opportunity' by organizing a mass
communal agitation in Jammu against the cancellation of the illegal
order of allotting state-land to the Amarnath shrine committee which
had been unanimously apposed by the inhabitants of Muslim-majority
Srinagar valley, who had objected to the illegal and unconstitutional
land-for-shrine suggestion of the departing Kashmir Governor. The BJP
thugs quickly organized a blockade of the valley by killing and
beating up truck drivers (mostly Sikhs) going to, or returning from,
the Srinagar valley on the Jammu-Srinagar highway the only road link
the Srinagar valley has with the rest of India. The Hindu thugs only
relented when the Srinagar valley's Muslim inhabitants in massive (but
peaceful) retaliation, suddenly triggered a far grimmer crisis which
threatened to plunge the Kashmir valley into the armed anti-India
insurgency of the early nineties again. The dramatic escalation in the
Srinagar Valley radically transformed the nature of the crisis – it
became an emergency with international ramifications. An angry mass of
Kashmiris, estimated to be around 250, 000 strong came out on to the
streets, bent on marching across the Line of Control into
Pakistan-held Kashmir with the aim of opening the traditional trade
route to Muzzaffarabad. ( Link )

It is not surprising that as a result of this new 'Hold your head
High' arrogant attitude, mobs of emboldened Hindutva elements, (Vishwa
Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal et. Al, all 'first cousins of the BJP)
decided to repeat, in August 2008, the anti-Christian December 2007
pogrom in which  Christian churches schools and orphanages, in
Kandhamal district of Orissa state, had been attacked and dozens of
Christians were murdered. Readers may remember that in 1999 an
Australian missionary, Graham Staines, and his two sons were killed by
a mob that set their car on fire with the three inside. The current
violence against Christians in the state of Orissa was organized by
Hindutva thugs, prompted by the Aug. 23, 2008 killing in that state of
Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati, who had been associated with a Hindu
radical group opposed to Hindus' converting to Christianity. Although
a letter left at the scene claimed that Maoist rebels carried out the
attack, but the Hindutva elements blamed the Christians instead and
started an anti-Christian pogrom in Orissa. The attacks in Kandhamal
have destroyed or damaged about 1,400 homes of Christians and at least
80 churches and small prayer houses, which were set on fire, a local
government official told the media. Clergymen say orphanages were also
destroyed. Estimates from Christian groups put the death toll at more
than 25, though a state official in Orissa said 16 were killed.

The Orissa anti-Christian pogrom continues despite a claim by the
Naxalite outfit of the CPI (Maoist) which again yesterday took
responsibility for the August killing of Kandhamal's VHP leader Swami
Laxmananda Saraswati, according to a report, in the Chandigarh-based
Tribune of Sept, 9, 2008. Orchestrated pogroms against religious
minorities by Hindu nationalist groups have become a regular feature
of Indian politics in recent years. Often these pogroms occur in Hindu
nationalist (BJP) ruled states (or in states where the BJP is part of
the ruling coalition) which extend police protection and impunity to
the rampaging Hindutva activists (read thugs) perpetrating the
violence. This latest Naxalite 'in-you-eye' persistence that they
executed the rabid Neo-Nazi Swami Laxmananda Saraswati means that the
muscular Naxalites have decided to throw down the gauntlet to the
fascist BJP and its Hindutva 'fellow- travelers' of the 'Saffron
brigade' and intends to confront these 'mad dogs'.
Interestingly the New York Times in a report, published on September
5, 2008, gave a  graphic description of the modus operandi (way of
doing things) of these right wing Hindutva thugs when they set out to
murder any minority in India. SIKH READERS PLEASE NOTE. The above
mentioned Tangia-datelined New York Times report describing the latest
Orissa  anti-Christian pogrom wrote that, "Those who came to attack
Christians here early last week set their trap well, residents say.
First, they built makeshift barricades of trees and small boulders
along the roads leading into this village, apparently to stop the
police from intervening. Then, villagers say, the attackers went on a
rampage. Chanting "Kill these pigs" and "All Hindus are brothers," the
mob began breaking into homes that displayed posters of Jesus,
stealing valuables and eventually burning the buildings. When they
found residents who had not fled to the nearby jungle, they beat them
with sticks or maimed them with axes and left them to die. The
carefully placed roadblocks accomplished their purpose; residents say
a full day passed before help arrived….The scene in Tiangia was
repeated in villages throughout the Kandhamal district and several
other areas of Orissa, a remote and destitute state in eastern India,
witnesses and the police said. The violence, which left at least 16
dead, was among the worst in decades against Christians in this
Hindu-dominated nation and appears to have been fueled, at least in
part, by discontent at a time when the gap between India's haves and
have-nots is growing. Orissa has long suffered from government
neglect, and Christian missionaries provide services, including
schooling, much better than most residents receive from the
government. While that has caused friction before, the stakes are
higher now that better-educated people have more of a chance of
joining the economic boom. The attacks in Kandhamal have destroyed or
damaged about 1,400 homes of Christians and at least 80 churches and
small prayer houses, which were set on fire, a local government
official said. Clergymen say orphanages were also destroyed. Estimates
from Christian groups put the death toll at more than 25, though a
state official in Orissa said 16 were killed."

Sikhs living in India better beware, and pay heed what other
beleaguered Indian minorities, like the Muslims, are saying. One
Muslim leader lamented that dozens of Christians have been killed,
hundreds injured and many torched alive, in Orissa, by mercenaries
belonging to Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal and other Hindu
supremacist groups. Reports from the ground also indicate that
hundreds of churches have been destroyed and thousands of Christians
had to flee into the jungle to avoid massacre. "This is nothing but a
repeat of the 2002 Gujarat carnage, only this time the target is the
Christian minority" said one Muslim leader. "If the state government,
which is in alliance with the BJP, cannot maintain law and order and
save the lives and property of its citizens, the Central government
should impose president's rule and send the armed forces to stop the
anti-Christian pogroms."

Sikhs, 'captive' in India should study the tactics of the Hindutva
thugs in Orissa and be ready with counter-measures, by
organizing/arming themselves and keeping their 'powder' dry, in case
the November 1984 anti-Sikh barbaric pogrom, in which over ten
thousand innocent Sikh men, women and children were murdered, in New
Delhi alone, (after a 'wink and a nod' from the then Indian Prime
minister Rajiv Gandhi) is repeated in this first decade of the 21st
century. Sikhs ought to remember that after the Christians and Muslims
it will be the turn of the Sikhs for a pogrom.

Source: Panthic Weekly

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