1st June 2023

The money allocated for Smart City works has not been used judiciously and
the work undertaken was not conducted in a methodical manner with the
result that Panaji is going to suffer. All along most usual routes
unprecedented flooding especially if on certain days the rainfall amounts
to 4 to 5 inches in any 24 hour period continuously as even the Tidal
effect will not come to the much rescue. It is known that on certain days
in the month of July, it pours badly and thus flooding will definitely
occur. Each of the responsible authorities such as the CM, Panaji MLA, CCP
MAYOR have surprisingly uttered almost divergent views with no allowance to
apportion blame upon themselves thus deflecting responsibility as Panaji
residents suffer.
The PWD Minister has been judicious in his comments, but for this year's
monsoon anyway the damage has been done. However, praise has to beefed upon
the belatedly appointed IPSCDL head for having with a great deal of
knowledge done a commendable job in a short time towards diminishing the
harm done by contractors who had no knowledge of local realities. If the
money had been used judiciously Panaji could have at least shown signs of
being a Smart City.
Over emphasis on a sewerage network that did not address the discharge of
raw sewage into the St. Inez Creek and Mala area has led to negligence in
apportioning prudently a more diverse use of the sanctioned amount, which
would have benefitted the capital city in a better manner.
An important high level probe has to be conducted and charges framed
against the guilty.

Dear Menino

Which email is correct Sir?

Stephen Dias

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