Sahitya Akademy recognises Literature and not the script says Akademy
President Sunil Gangopadhyaye

Dear Sir,
Please find attached two articles written by the members of Sahitya
Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012
1. Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool by Sri Govinda Raju
(Raz Andamani) from ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR Email:
J.F.D'Souza Email:
Kindly publish abvoe two articles attached along with this in a word format
The list of Sahitya Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012 members available at

With regards

Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka
E2-139 Diwan Apt III
Vasai Road East
Thane Dist - 401 210
Tel: 0250-2390225
Cell: 9320733213

Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool By Govinda Raju

In the last general Council Meeting of Sahitya Akademi, the Academy of
Letters of India, held on February 16, 2010 in New Delhi, Edwin JF
DSouza raised the controversial issue of Konkani Script. The language
was written in five different scripts for historical reasons;
Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Arabic, whereas Sahitya
Academi recognized only the books written in official Devanagari
script to the exclusion of all other scripts.
By Govinda Raju

The bone of contention was that the books written in scripts other
than Devanagri were not considered for awards by Sahtya Akademi and,
on cue, by other organizations and institutions too. It was a gross
injustice to the writers engaged in literary work in Konkani in
scripts other than Devanagari.

To a pointed question of Edwin DSouza whether Sahtya Akademi
recognized the script or the literature; Sunil Gangopadhyaye,
President said in an unambiguous term "literature!" The argument
should have ended there but Pundalik Narayan Naik, Convener of Konkani
Language Advisory Board cited the Govt of India notifications
recognizing the Devanagari script as the official one and also
referred to the previous discussion on the subject in the General
Council of Sahitya Akademi that remained inconclusive.

However, the majority of General Council Members did not approve that
the literature created in the same language but different scripts
should be discriminated against when the bulk of Konkani literature
was written in Kannada and other scripts, according to DSouza.

Dr Harish Narang argued that in the hi-tech age of advanced computer
programmes where, on a click of the mouse the script can be changed
from one script to the other, there was any reason why books written
in scripts other than devanagari should remain out of the purview of
awards; unless it was meant to limit the competition.

After a prolonged discussion, on the suggestion of Sunil
Gangopadhyaye, President, the matter was referred to the Language
Development Board of Sahitya Akademi for an early resolution.

Migration and fragmentation: The arrival of the Portuguese lead to
major changes in Konkani. The conversion of Konkanis to Christianity
and the religious policies of the Portuguese caused a large number of
Konkanis to flee to neighboring territories. The isolation of Hindu
and Christian Konkanis added to the fragmentation of Konkani into
multiple dialects.

The language spread to Canara (coastal Karnataka), Kokan-patta
(coastal Konkan division of Maharashtra) and Kerala during the last
500 years due to migration of Konkanis. Although a few Konkanis may
have been present in the neighboring areas and there may have been
migrations due to economic reasons in the past, the main cause of
migration was the Portuguese control over Goa.

It was spread to these areas by Hindu Konkani and Christian Konkani
speakers in three waves of migration. The first migration occurred
during the early years of Portuguese rule and the Inquisition of
1560s. The second wave of migration was during the 1571 C.E. war with
the Sultan of Bijapur. The third wave of migration happened during the
wars of 1683-1740 A.D. with the Marathas. While the first wave was of
Hindus, the second and third waves were mainly those of Christians.

These migrant communities grew in relative isolation and each
developed its own dialect. Since these communities had to interact
with others in local languages on a daily basis, Konkani dialects show
strong local influences in terms of script, vocabulary and also style.

Other Konkani communities came into being with their own dialects of
Konkani. The Konkani Muslim communities of Ratnagiri and Bhatkal came
about due to a mixture of intermarriage of Arab seafarers and locals
as well as conversions of Hindus to Islam. Another migrant community
that picked up Konkani was the Siddis who were sailor-warriors from

Author: Sri Govinda Raju (Raz Andamani) from ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR
Profile: Member of Sahitya Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012

In the last general Council Meeting of Sahitya Akademi, the Academy of
Letters of India, held on February 16, 2010 in New Delhi, Edwin JF
Dsouza, a member of General Council of the Sahitya Akademi and a
Member of the Advisory Board for Konkani raised the controversial
issue of Konkani Script.  The Konkani literature is written in
Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam and Arabic, whereas Sahitya
Academi recognized only the books written in official Devanagari
script to the exclusion of all other scripts.

The bone of contention was that the books written in scripts other
than Devanagri were not considered for awards by Sahitya Akademi and,
on cue, by other organizations and institutions too. It was a gross
injustice to the writers engaged in literary work in Konkani in
scripts other than Devanagari.

To a pointed question of Edwin JF DSouza whether Sahtya Akademi
recognized the script or the literature, Sunil Gangopadhyaye,
President said in an unambiguous term “literature!” The argument
should have ended there but Pundalik Narayan Naik, Convener of Konkani
Language Advisory Board cited the Govt of India notifications
recognizing the Devanagari script as the official one and also
referred to the previous discussion on the subject in the General
Council of Sahitya Akademi that remained inconclusive.

However, the majority of General Council Members did not approve that
the literature created in the same language but different scripts
should be discriminated against when the bulk of Konkani literature
was written in Kannada, Roman and other scripts, according to DSouza.

The Members argued that in the hi-tech age of advanced computer
programmes where, on a click of the mouse the script can be changed
from one script to the other, there was no reason why books written in
scripts other than Devanagari should remain out of the purview of

After a prolonged discussion Mr. Sunil Gangopadhyaye, (seen with Edwin
JF Dsouza in the picture), President of the Sahitya Akademi promised
the Members that the matter will be referred to the Language
Development Board of Sahitya Akademi for an early resolution.

Reported by: Edwin JF DSouza

Author: Edwin JF DSouza from KARNATAKA
Profile: Member of Sahitya Akademy GENERAL COUNCIL 2008-2012
Cell: 09845083148
Tel: 0824-2432413
-------------- next part --------------
Konkani Literature: Caught In Script Whirlpool

In the last general Council Meeting of Sahitya Akademi, the Academy of Letters 
of India, held on February 16, 2010 in New Delhi, Edwin JF DSouza raised the 
controversial issue of Konkani Script. The language was written in five 
different scripts for historical reasons; Devanagari, Roman, Kannada, Malayalam 
and Arabic, whereas Sahitya Academi recognized only the books written in 
official Devanagari script to the exclusion of all other scripts.
By Govinda Raju

The bone of contention was that the books written in scripts other than 
Devanagri were not considered for awards by Sahtya Akademi and, on cue, by 
other organizations and institutions too. It was a gross injustice to the 
writers engaged in literary work in Konkani in scripts other than Devanagari.

To a pointed question of Edwin DSouza whether Sahtya Akademi recognized the 
script or the literature; Sunil Gangopadhyaye, President said in an unambiguous 
term "literature!" The argument should have ended there but Pundalik Narayan 
Naik, Convener of Konkani Language Advisory Board cited the Govt of India 
notifications recognizing the Devanagari script as the official one and also 
referred to the previous discussion on the subject in the General Council of 
Sahitya Akademi that remained inconclusive. 

However, the majority of General Council Members did not approve that the 
literature created in the same language but different scripts should be 
discriminated against when the bulk of Konkani literature was written in 
Kannada and other scripts, according to DSouza. 

Dr Harish Narang argued that in the hi-tech age of advanced computer programmes 
where, on a click of the mouse the script can be changed from one script to the 
other, there was any reason why books written in scripts other than devanagari 
should remain out of the purview of awards; unless it was meant to limit the 

After a prolonged discussion, on the suggestion of Sunil Gangopadhyaye, 
President, the matter was referred to the Language Development Board of Sahitya 
Akademi for an early resolution.

Migration and fragmentation: The arrival of the Portuguese lead to major 
changes in Konkani. The conversion of Konkanis to Christianity and the 
religious policies of the Portuguese caused a large number of Konkanis to flee 
to neighboring territories. The isolation of Hindu and Christian Konkanis added 
to the fragmentation of Konkani into multiple dialects.

The language spread to Canara (coastal Karnataka), Kokan-patta (coastal Konkan 
division of Maharashtra) and Kerala during the last 500 years due to migration 
of Konkanis. Although a few Konkanis may have been present in the neighboring 
areas and there may have been migrations due to economic reasons in the past, 
the main cause of migration was the Portuguese control over Goa.

It was spread to these areas by Hindu Konkani and Christian Konkani speakers in 
three waves of migration. The first migration occurred during the early years 
of Portuguese rule and the Inquisition of 1560s. The second wave of migration 
was during the 1571 C.E. war with the Sultan of Bijapur. The third wave of 
migration happened during the wars of 1683-1740 A.D. with the Marathas. While 
the first wave was of Hindus, the second and third waves were mainly those of 

These migrant communities grew in relative isolation and each developed its own 
dialect. Since these communities had to interact with others in local languages 
on a daily basis, Konkani dialects show strong local influences in terms of 
script, vocabulary and also style.

Other Konkani communities came into being with their own dialects of Konkani. 
The Konkani Muslim communities of Ratnagiri and Bhatkal came about due to a 
mixture of intermarriage of Arab seafarers and locals as well as conversions of 
Hindus to Islam. Another migrant community that picked up Konkani was the 
Siddis who were sailor-warriors from Ethiopia.


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