[Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship.

2010-02-21 Thread anil desai
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Rajan P. Parrikar to me
show details 20:02 (6 minutes ago)

Selma Carvalho wrote: ( trying to change the original thread)

>Anil Desai accuses me of hating Hindus. On has only to read Goenchinxapotan
>to know who wears communal hats and how pointy some of these hats are.

Response: First of all Selma, look in the mirror and you will see a communal
Show me or the Goanetters a single contribution I have made to
and is communal.  If you cannot, take a truth-pill. Your 'Hindus being
trained to
hate Catholics' is in the archives of Goanet. You have indirectly referred
to me
as 'Saffronite' because you know that this is the easiest way to poison
minds particularly in Goa.

>Rajan Parrikar has given a blow-by-blow account of how much his documentary
>has achieved in Goa. It's a shame he repeatedly tells us how little
everyone else
>has achieved.

Response: Again, this is a lie and Selma knows this. It was Samir who first
the question about what Rajan or I have done for Goa. He has been totally
about his work for Goa. Rajan has in the past recognised the work of Goa
Soter, Matanhy Saldhana and many others. What Selma cannot stomach is his
fearless criticism of some other people, notably, Oscar Rebello who has
handedly done immeasurable harm to Goa's interest.

>When my village was putting together a regional plan, the GBA were most
>helpful. The government technical expertise which was promised never
>This is the sort of work the GBA has been doing. Efforts to educate people,
>create awareness and bring about grass-root change. To the best of my
>they are all volunteers. They spend their time and energy visiting these
>outposts to disseminate information. What does it take to diminish other
>achievements. Nothing. A few internet posts and letters to the editor of
>If Rajan and Anil have questions for the GBA, MARG and (just about everyone
>who they don't like) then march into their offices with proof and demand a
>inquiry. Instead what they do is blab and blab and blab on internets and
ruin people's
>lives. Let me also remind everyone that Rajan has attacked Gadgil, Venita
>Frederick Noronha, Jason Keith Fernandes, Miguel Braganza, Sandeep Heble,
>Samir Kelekar, the list goes on and on. Not to mention, a few days ago, I
>mysteriously morphed into one Praxy Fernandes and started writing to the
>according to Rajan. So the truth is the only two men of utmost honesty are
>Rajan and Anil.

My dear Selma, I am afraid when we need suggestions from you about how we
should tackle MARG's or Oscar's indiscretions, Rajan and/or I will ask you.
Until we
feel this urge, I will do it my way and Rajan his. You try doing just one
small thing for
us: Remove your saffron tinted glasses and answer our legitimate questions.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship

2010-01-12 Thread Samir Kelekar
Anil Desai writes:

>You have to calm down. You say you are upset when I raise the question about
>your upbringing. Yet, you are again using unacceptable language in your
>post. What does that tell you? Let me explain to you something 

I did respond to your "foul" language point in my last response.
Please let me know what the issue is this time.

>about Rajan's
citizenship. Although I do not know anything about citizenship(according to
you), Rajan holds American citizenship that makes him Indian American. He
also holds Overseas citizenship of India that gives him all the rights to
property etc except that he does not have voting right or right to get a
>govt job.

Not just vote, Rajan cannot stand
for any election of an MLA or MP. What this
effectively means is that he cannot represent the voice of the Goan

>Therefore, you may make all the fuss about his citizenship, he has rights
that he will exercise in Goa. You keep carping at him from the sideline and
make a fool of yourself if you wish. I have tried to persuade you but I
accept I have failed.

I did say that I would not like to belittle the work that other people do
for goa. I did not wish to include people who take grants of lakhs of rupees
from a corrupt govt that has increased the debt for goans to 50 billion
rupees or more. If MARG is getting twenty lakhs or more per year from this
government, I think goans need to know that this money is being put to good
use. I would not dream of belittling your father whom I do not personally
know but as a Goan, I am entitled to raise legitimate queries about the
>taxpayers' money that this NGO receives.

No one denies that every paisa that goes to MARG --- people should
know where it is going or if it is well spent. Precisely because
of that I gave you my father's email id also. Here it is again:

But the timing of this query of yours which was in response
to me raising questions about Rajan's citizenship just shows
your intent.

As to Goa govt being corrupt, please get some evidence on camera
of any of the biggies taking money. I am all with you on this;
in fact, I have been trying to pursuade people to do that.
I have been even selling a spy cam. But by and large I have
found no takers. While every one shouts about corruption from
the roof top, hardly anyone is willing to take the next step of belling
the cat.


Anil Desai


[Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship

2010-01-11 Thread Samir Kelekar
>Furthermore, this work is ongoing, & we expect to enlist young, energetic 
Panjim folks to the cause.  It is remarkable how much influence an 
>opportunistic American can wield in Goa if he wants to, when he wants to.

Which cause ? Iraq or Afghanistan ?
Sure, in expectation 
of US citizenship, some able-bodied young Goans would
be willing to join up to become "bakaras".

Btw, when we are on the topic, how about giving some business
to Goan coffin makers for making coffins for Iraq and Afghanistan?

Good coffins made of sturdy "ponos" (Jackfruit)!

Surely, it will show the "I can" attitude of Goans.

Viva Uncle Sam! Viva America!!!



Re: [Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship

2010-01-11 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Dr. Anil Desai wrote:

> Samir,
> Your attacks on Rajan are getting a bit tiring now. 

Boring, too.  The guy punches with all the force of a wrinkled old prune
on dialysis.

> Couple of days ago, I
> saw our PM promising votes for NRIs. I am sure this will include PIO as well
> as OCI holders. However, once they have voting rights, I am sure people of
> your ilk will find some other reason to object to any good work that people
> like Rajan do.

Indeed, we expect voting rights to come our way soon.  In any case,
Indian PM Manmohanator has been wooing us Americans, throwing
receptions with biriyani and kababs.  We Americans are flattered 
and we love biryani although not as much as we love greenbacks..

> I was in Goa couple of weeks ago. I saw examples of two types of Goans: one
> I would admire, the other, equally goan, that I detest.
> The decision of the high court in Rajan Parrikar's PIL was reported in a
> non-goan newspaper, Tarun Bharat. No Goan paper thought the news was 
> worth reporting. For the first in the short history of Goa, a municipality has
> been forced to form a panel responsible for keeping the city clean and the
> contact details of this panel will have to be publicised so that people can
> complain if the cleanliness is not maintained. A small blow to the might of
> the establishment by a focused, intelligent brave Goan who was prepared to
> painstakingly gather evidence of dirt around Panaji and present it to the
> courts. What the residents of Panaji and the council will do in future is
> upto them but someone put his time and effort as well as money where his
> mouth is and did something good to improve the quality of life of a few
> Goans.

Excellent summary, and I readily accept all the adjectives you accuse me of.

Furthermore, this work is ongoing, & we expect to enlist young, energetic 
Panjim folks to the cause.  It is remarkable how much influence an 
opportunistic American can wield in Goa if he wants to, when he wants to.

> The other news I read was that Digambar Kamat, the one time leader in
> waiting of the saffron brigade and now the Kangress CM has been appointed as
> patron saint (or some such grandiose title) of an organisation called MARG.
> This is apparently an NGO/CSO. This organisation has been run by a Kelekar.
> Any relation? Any idea how much money this organisation takes from the govt
> coffers and how much of it goes to the concerned Kelekar?
> Is it this financial relationship with Digambar that makes Rajan a thorn in
> your side? If so, Goanetters should know.

Excellent questions for which you can expect more petulant babble from

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship

2010-01-11 Thread Samir Kelekar

>Your attacks on Rajan are getting a bit tiring now.

Take a good break, refresh yourself and be prepared for more.
 Let me tell you you have seen nothing yet.
There is more to come.

> Couple of days ago, I
saw our PM promising votes for NRIs. I am sure this will include PIO as well
>as OCI holders. 

Why just include only the OCI holders, why not include the
whole world ?

If you dont know elementary things about a citizenship , you should
not comment on such matters.

Btw, what passport/citizenship do you hold ?

>However, once they have voting rights, I am sure people of
your ilk will find some other reason to object to any good work that people
>like Rajan do.

The only way opportunists like Rajan will gain respect is if they
 the guts to take Indian citizenship. Why, Indian citizenship
is no good for Rajan ? The white man's boots look better is it ?

>I was in Goa couple of weeks ago. I saw examples of two types of Goans: one
>I would admire, the other, equally goan, that I detest.

>The decision of the high court in Rajan Parrikar's PIL was reported in a
non-goan newspaper, Tarun Bharat. No Goan paper thought the news was worth
reporting. For the first in the short history of Goa, a municipality has
been forced to form a panel responsible for keeping the city clean and the
contact details of this panel will have to be publicised so that people can
complain if the cleanliness is not maintained. A small blow to the might of
the establishment by a focused, intelligent brave Goan who was prepared to
painstakingly gather evidence of dirt around Panaji and present it to the
courts. What the residents of Panaji and the
 council will do in future is
upto them but someone put his time and effort as well as money where his
mouth is and did something good to improve the quality of life of a few

Good for him. 

>The other news I read was that Digambar Kamat, the one time leader in
waiting of the saffron brigade and now the Kangress CM has been appointed as
patron saint (or some such grandiose title) of an organisation called MARG.
This is apparently an NGO/CSO. This organisation has been run by a Kelekar.
Any relation? Any idea how much money this organisation takes from the govt
>coffers and how much of it goes to the concerned Kelekar?

You can contact marg at m...@sancharnet.in and ask the relevant
questions. You will get the answers. MARG is a public and transparent 
organization as far as I know.

>Is it this financial relationship with Digambar that makes Rajan a thorn in
>your side? If
 so, Goanetters should know.

Rajan, the American boot licker, thorn on my side ?
Give me a break man and talk sense.

Let me tell you I have no financial relationship with MARG and
have been a beneficiary of not a single paisa. On the other hand,
I spend my own hard earned money to attend interesting functions
that MARG holds.

Now tell me what do you do there sitting in UK except perhaps
increase your bank balance ? Why did you vamoos from Goa?
The public would like to know.

>So, on the one hand, we have Rajan who is prepared to work selflessly for
Goa while we have some niz goenkars on the gravy train. I know which type of
>Goans I would lend my support to.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. It is very clear that
Rajan has adopted a hit and run technique, something which is
very easy to do when someone is an American citizen. 

Any trouble in Goa and Rajan will
 not be seen around  -- that
is Rajan's plan. A PIL here or there
does not count. We have to see what happens when this bloke
comes in a bit of limelight (of course, other than abuse coming
from his mouth) and really becomes a nuisance or a threat to the

As of now, everything indicates that the bloke is going to scoot
to America when the going gets tough.


>Anil Desai

[Goanet] Samir and his problems with Rajan's citizenship.

2010-01-10 Thread anil desai
From: Samir Kelekar 

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Subject: [Goanet] Proud to be a Goan, I am an Indian first

Message-ID: <854961.98327...@web34205.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Some of those, mainly who have non-Indian citizenship, have questioned the
fact that I am in Bangalore and not in Goa.

My position is very clear --- like Sachin Tendulkar, I am an Indian first;
of course, I am

proud to be a Goan.

Ask any Californian American --- whether they are a Californian first or an
American first.




Your attacks on Rajan are getting a bit tiring now. Couple of days ago, I
saw our PM promising votes for NRIs. I am sure this will include PIO as well
as OCI holders. However, once they have voting rights, I am sure people of
your ilk will find some other reason to object to any good work that people
like Rajan do.

I was in Goa couple of weeks ago. I saw examples of two types of Goans: one
I would admire, the other, equally goan, that I detest.

The decision of the high court in Rajan Parrikar's PIL was reported in a
non-goan newspaper, Tarun Bharat. No Goan paper thought the news was worth
reporting. For the first in the short history of Goa, a municipality has
been forced to form a panel responsible for keeping the city clean and the
contact details of this panel will have to be publicised so that people can
complain if the cleanliness is not maintained. A small blow to the might of
the establishment by a focused, intelligent brave Goan who was prepared to
painstakingly gather evidence of dirt around Panaji and present it to the
courts. What the residents of Panaji and the council will do in future is
upto them but someone put his time and effort as well as money where his
mouth is and did something good to improve the quality of life of a few

The other news I read was that Digambar Kamat, the one time leader in
waiting of the saffron brigade and now the Kangress CM has been appointed as
patron saint (or some such grandiose title) of an organisation called MARG.
This is apparently an NGO/CSO. This organisation has been run by a Kelekar.
Any relation? Any idea how much money this organisation takes from the govt
coffers and how much of it goes to the concerned Kelekar?
Is it this financial relationship with Digambar that makes Rajan a thorn in
your side? If so, Goanetters should know.

So, on the one hand, we have Rajan who is prepared to work selflessly for
Goa while we have some niz goenkars on the gravy train. I know which type of
Goans I would lend my support to.

Anil Desai