Scindia  exits Congress to embrace BJP

MP  is within  the reach of BJP after reverses in Maharashtra. Jarkand,
Rajashthan .BJP is repeating. its  successful strategies of poachingin Goa,
Karnataka as alternative options for back door entry to power BJP has
become a black hole sucking powerfully the disgruntled  members. MP was won
with Raga promoting brigade of young leaders. They were marginalized,
ignored in decision making in the state. Scindia has publicly made his
intentions  clear and demand for Raja Sabha seat and P.C ,C President ship
was taken very lightly .The  rebuff that most MLA`s were not in favour of
Scindia as C.M a is another propaganda to discredit his claim

Scindia was on record lambasting BJP for its hate speeches and communal
 divide.  Now it is all in the past forgiven and forgotten by BJP. He was
very close to Raga to commit Hari-kari , political suicide and  it is very
doubtful that privately he did not take him into confidence .Is  Raga
still  calling the shots silently,? Scindia was poster boy of Raga  ,
leader  of  GEN NEXT and his  close confidant .The summer sault by Scindia
 which is unthinkable  considering his loyalty to congress for 18 years.
That the move was made to coincide on his father’s birth anniversary is
significant and also being touted as homecoming by his family  and right
decision for his political future. Milind Deora in Maharshtra ,Sachin Pilot
in Rajasthan are the next  to be watched closely , whether they would
follow Joyti  Rao Scindia ?  .Scindia now is  reposing his trust  in
leadership of Modi and BJP vision is convenience of action justified, as he
jumps ship .,He did not opt to from a separate outfit, and wants to just
move  onin justification , bHe has  succumbed to the soft  course. The
resignation of 22 members including 6 Ministers a serious jolt to Congress
in sympathy with Scindia  and it`s not a mere  pressurizing syndrome, as it
is  made out to be. There is no doubt  that lure for power, position ,
political career is  most attractive glue and there is nothing wrong in
seeking  self prospects  and MOVING ONE..Everyone sees greener pastures
after Congress has been in the desert for 6 years and many Congressmen are
feeling unemployed.  Digvijay Singh is at the centre of the storm in M.P
but will be held accountable? .The leadership issue in Congress is at the
helm of the  crisis. There is inevitable struggle between the young brigade
and old guard for survival. And exert their authority, The factionalism is
very strong and there is no mechanism to contain it. Obsesses ion with
Gandhi family is the root cause of lack of leadership in Cogress. Raga as
President had frustrating experience to carry on reforms  and  was
 systematically strangulated by seniors. After he resigned accepting his
failure, the old guard brought back Sonia as interim President, negating
sharing of power. I n stead of refusing the offer of compromise to save the
party Sonia swallowed the bait to be interim President  .Congress party of
the day is technically the personal  party of Indira Gandhi and it is
likely they would not leave its hold on it. There is no  strong leadership.
,Leader is isolated, stonewalled and communications is impossible for days
and months together. Sonia is also accused for her love for her son and
every psycho pants obliged her with her avowed intentions. Congress is  yet
to come to grips   with organizations and leadership for over  an extended
period now. Unless the central leadership is able to resolve conflict
immediately without allowing to fester the wound of discontent

The Congress has definitely lost a young, dynamic  articulate ,loyal leader
 without addressing his  genuine concerns .Going by the facts, it looks
like that India is moving towards Congress mukth India as advocated by
BJP.  It is the  only all India party, the  Congress that is the thorn in
BJP flesh as all efforts are directed to criticize Congress, decimate its
prestige, day in and  day  out by  laying all ills present and past at the
doors of Congress. BJP is advocating open door policy , rationalizing
poaching by incentives, power  and that all such practices are fair in
politics. The swift move to expel  Scindia is knee jerk reaction of no
consequence in the situation, after the Leadership made no attempts to
assuage his feelings of hurt

For  a brief period the leadership of Congress  was held by non Gandhi
family but obsession is for Loyalty towards first family. and nominations
instead of elections from grass root level  is familiar plot.These problems
of organizations and leadership are germane to all political parties .On
one side we have first family and other side one and half men party. The
law on defections has not countered the ,malaise of defections and in fact
the defectors are re elected by the very same  voters, thereby legitimizing
such moves No other democratic Nations has this unique system of defections
 *Simply speaking ,all defectors including independents must be banned for
six years  from relections But who will bell the cat*

*Nelson Lopes Chinchinim*

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