[Goanet] Some thoughts on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

2021-09-10 Thread Mel de Quadros
At this stage, it’s to late to correct the past; but it’s time the USA sets
its future foreign policy. Not piecemeal, changing from President to
President, from majority leader to his successor.

There is a dichotomy in American foreign policy, exemplified by the
numerous god deeds including Peace Corps; and those who believe the world
is a treasure chest for the benefit of the USA, like oil, mining and
trading companies.

The rush to punish any anti-American action is unfortunate; it really not
possible to plan,devise and implement an intelligent course of action in
the immediate panic after a disaster. Yet in the Bay of Tonkin, in the 9/11
and the Iraqi WMD resolutions, the weakness of American decision-making
comes to fore. The Administration lies till it’s blue in its face, panics
the population and their representatives who en masse support the Executive
Branch. Even extreme liberals get taken!  Remember even Bernie Sanders
voted for the Iraqi war declaration.

The Executive Branch makes the resolutions as vague as possible, allowing
the war making powers of the Congress to be ignored for the next decade or
two, as long as the President and his war council want to continue, which
is as long as the President believes his lies are believed and supported
 by the American voter.

Just like the GSA, the branch that supposedly overlooks the government
finances for the Congress, there now needs to be a new branch that gathers
and evaluated world events and foreign policy and intelligence on behalf of
the Congress.

I find it preposterous that after being lied to so often by the Executive
Branch, the Congress has not demanded and instituted a General Foreign
Policy and Intelligence  Agency, a department responsible solely to the
Congress. In a government of three branches, each branch needs its own
intelligence gathering device, the Executive and the Legislative branches
at least.

Al this before we involve the loudly proclaimed Christianity we espouse
loudly and vehemently. Here I bring you two important teachings:
1:  Love thy Neighbour as thyself;
2:  An Arm for an Arm, a Leg for a Leg.

These require we look at crimes against us in charity and compassion,
resorting to action after due consideration and deliberate debate. And
secondly, the punishment meted needs to be fair, not punitive, not
destructive. An arm for an arm, not an arm and leg for an arm. So important
to weigh the consequences of our reactions, for these have repercussions
for the future.

Let’s face it, most of us now acknowledge we had no business in Vietnam and
South East Asia,and Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Lybia. In Afghanistan,
which was reputed to be the base for bin Ladin, we had no business to
attack snd destroy the whole country; we should have sought to work with
the Afghan and Pakistani governments to take him down. Though Bin Ladin and
most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi, this was conveniently forgotten by
the oil tycoon Bush II, and no retribution was taken on the Saudis.
Afghanistan and later Iraq were the rams in the thicket who were

And that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis,as was bin  Ladin?  No
repercussions as the Bush Family oil interests involved Saudi friendships.
It has been reported that members of the Saudi royal family and bin Ladin
who happened to be in the USA that fatal day were allowed to fly out even
as the USA did not allow any other flights that day.

About Iraq, I grow livid thinking about how the US government bragged about
its ‘intelligent’ weapons which could be targeted so accurately. But the
destruction rained on the Iraqis was to destroy their hospitals, water
systems, their roads and their power grids -  civilian targets! The Iraqi
army was not directly attacked in the early surprise unilateral attacks.

But let’s face it, I’m talking rather uselessly. The Congress will continue
not to exercise its war making powers, letting it fall to the Executive
Branch, and continue wasting time arguing about vaccinations and denying
the sins of previous presidents. The Legislative Branch, full of aged men
and women (in their late 70s and early 80s!) who are so careful plotting
their re-election and grip of power,  but truly give nothing new, no new
ideas, no new policies with no understanding of the world as it is now.
Their arteries are clogged, their bodies frail and achy, too distracted by
old age for cogent thought. Alas!

So it shall remain, unless we see that we excercise responsibilities that
come with our dominance of the world. I wonder if the upcoming power China
will be any better?  Probably not.

If we survive Covid and its nefarious variants. Or climate change. The
first two Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

In a scene from British serial The Crown, Lord Mountbatten goes to see his
sister Princess Alice who says that she saw about the time she turned 70
that she was no longer a Participant but an Observer.   As The lord says he
worries about Britain, she says Who Cares?  At my age

Re: [Goanet] Some thoughts on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

2021-09-10 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 On Friday, September 10, 2021, 02:03:46 p.m. CDT, Mel de Quadros 
 At this stage, it’s to late to correct the past; but it’s time the USA sets
its future foreign policy. Not piecemeal, changing from President to
President, from majority leader to his successor.

Your opinions are almost a duplicate of what mine were while living in Toronto. 

I wish I had more time to respond to your observations but it is Friday night 
and I am on safari. Since relocating to Texas I have found out that US foreign 
policy is dictated by those who bankroll the candidates for elected positions. 
The more dependent the politician is on the donors, the more complaint he is to 
their demands. The prime example of a complaint politician was George Bush (43).

20 years ago, the most horrible enemy ever was the "Axis of evil." The US then 
changed its mind and Trump went for a photo opportunity with the great N. 
Korean leader and Biden handed power back to the Taliban. 

All this, if the great US politicians are to be believed, is in the best 
interest of the US - regardless of how many lives were destroyed by these "turn 
in the direction the wind is blowing" policies. 
