Fatima Convent High School in association with the Academy of
Self-Actualization conducted this annual Faculty Enrichment workshop, the
Fuller Life Program at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.  

The chief guest for the Inaugural ceremony was Archbishop Felipe Neri
Ferrao, Bishop of Goa and Daman.  He gave a clarion call to the Teaching
Faculty to treat their profession as a Vocation and a holy mission. He had
the audience spell bound with his humor and his down to earth sharings.

He later declared open the website of the Fatima school -

Dr Carmo Gracias gave a witty and humorous welcome to the dignitaries.   He
also thanked (tongue-in-cheek) Fatima school for providing wonderful life
partners to many ex-students of Loyola!

Rev. Fr. William Rodrigues presented the key note address with many
anecdotes and parables to drive home the point of the importance of a caring
teacher, well informed to transform the students both academically as well
as holistically.

Ms. Gianna Mendes spoke about her love of teaching and mentoring students.
She mentioned the immense fulfillment she derives in bringing in good
education and values to her students.

Sr Regina Gretta proposed a vote of thanks to the VIPs, coordinating
committee and the teachers attending the Fuller Life workshop.

Fuller Life Program - Advisory Board members; Dr Max Desa, Dorothy Desa,
Bruno Gomindes were also present.  Around 120 teachers from various schools
of South Goa participated whole heartedly in the day long workshop.

The program was coordinated by businessman and travel guru, Bruno Gomindes.

The full day seminar-workshop was conducted by Leo D'Mello, life coach,
management guru and author of the best selling self-development book,
"Fuller Life; the book, a journey".  With the help of scintillating
multi-media, witty anecdotes and an unique interactive presentation style,
the teachers were challenged, stimulated, motivated and enlightened.  The
program stretched from breathing techniques to meditation, to a better
understanding of how the brain functions. Leo, also a certified NLP
Practitioner, demonstrated techniques of phobia cure and trauma (emotional)
detox.   The teachers danced through the work-outs and relaxed in the
hypnotic afternoon-siesta! 

As Fr Willy had forewarned, Leo was the magician who left the teachers
asking for more. The teachers left with a renewed vigor and motivation to
fulfill their vocation and to mould the hearts and minds of the students
entrusted in their care. During feedback time, various teachers shared of
how the program has stimulated and motivated them to be better teachers.

Pictures of the event are shared on Dropbox.  You may download from this

For more details of the Fuller Life Program please visit www.fullerlife.in 

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