The Russian are the first to announce the covid vaccine and that
does not give them any advantage.       Or superiority. The number of covid
infected Russians are ‘high .  The cry that Russians experimental data is
skimpy and not in public domain is  a legitimate concern. .They are not in
the race, competing with any Nation like in   space. The name of the
vaccine is being misinterpreted as being suggestive . They are the first to
announce and to that extend deserve recognition and appreciation instead of
criticism.’ They are not in business to sell their vaccine or are
advertising for trade inquiries. Besides mass productions, costs,
distribution, priority are still to be surmounted .It is left entirely to
the Nations to protect their citizens by using any vaccine available, if
they deem fit. Primarily Russian vaccine is meant for their own citizens
and is being tested on Putin`s daughter to express confidence and she is
not a guinea pig to be experimented  with .That will be too high a price to
be paid for mere propaganda .The usual successful vaccine  in  the past
 has taken years. It is expected that presently it will take  at least 18
months, if not  five years to make it available, after the prescribed
stages on mass human trials. The animal phase has been expedited because of
its highly contagious. nature and mortality. Third phase is believed cannot
be shortened for any reasons as  per procedures laid down. Even after
successful analysis, results in the past have been disputable regarding
efficacy and side effects. We know that many approved drugs to day are
banned because of ill effects discovered after long use. We must not forget
in to-days times development of technologies are evolving rapidly and it is
possible to expedite studies and outcomes

There are about 130 vaccines in developmental stages and 3 have reached
human trials, Even India is in the race to develop its own and has
partnered, financed production and distribution. Prominent firms   are
Astra Zeneca, Moderna, Pfizer Sinovac,Carsino, Sino Pharma etc. People are
still anxious and apprehensive   about vaccines, doses, cost and after
effects but deaths and furious spread are more worrisome. As the repurposed
drugs are too expensive, in short supply and are  not guaranteed cure   No
one is forcing the use of vaccine, the choice is voluntary, even though
Govts. may subsidies vaccine

The greatest hope against Covid 19 is vaccine and people are eagerly
looking forward to the scientist to deliver fast to save life ,  economy.
The National boundaries are not subject matter of race, but to save mankind
against this scourge

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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