I have a feeling the Reverand misse his regular congregation.  The 
problem for many in this information age is overload. We lack  both leisure 
time and neuron capacity to absorb and store offerings made available.
> My mama was a loveable lady but a disciplined person. Whenever we did wrong
> things or didn?t listen to her, she immediately punished us with a stick.
> She believed and practiced the proverb, ?Spare the rod and spoil the
> child.? In those days most of the parents, teachers, priests and nuns
> believed, ?If you do not punish children when they do something wrong, they
> will not learn what is right and they go astray.? Corporal punishment was
> part of our life. The fear of punishment helped children to grow in
> discipline.
> Mama could not tolerate back answers from anyone of us. My sister Genevieve
> when she was very young had the bad habit of answer back. For this bad
> habit, she always got punishment from mama. I must have been in the fifth
> standard and Genevieve in the fourth standard. When mama told Genevieve
> something to do, she answered back. Mama got angry and hit her with a
> stick. By mistake the stick was hit on Genevieve?s head. Blood started to
> ooze. 


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