Symbols speak

Apprehensive at the boot vote to cast
Searched   and found the symbol at last
Get on said the clock, quick and  fast
It is covid time so  no hand shake
Sweep them away , they are all  fake
Admire ,watch  two little flowers  bloom
Lotus seemed  downcast and in gloom
Others  woeful crying for attention
Not worthy of posing any distraction
Wonder in time to come  if the  flowers will wilt
Whether  the  hand will sweep  to provide the tilt
The Clock alone will wake you  up with alarm
The little  scented flowers  pose no harm
Lotus blooming in muck is National pride
The broom will sweep the dirt aside
NAMASTE  needs two hands   covid to overide
Others will rejoice  to enjoy a free ride
 The hand to rewind  the
clock forgets
Broom will sweep the dirt  clean with no regrets
The coloured scented flowers havec not bloomed  yet
The hand will salute the winner, I bet

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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