Talking Photos: Panjim Stinks yet again (It's the Game -The Winners are Babush, 
30 councilors and Parrikar)
Yes, it’s like  a game played by the City leaders
And the winner are:
First Prize goes to – Babush who controls the CCP.
Second prize jointly goes to 30 CCP councilors including the Mayor.
Third prize goes to the one and only Manohar Parrikar, City MLA and ex-Chief 
Ok, let the photos do the rest of the talking
They blocked  their noses
And I blocked mine so  that you don’t have to
Have a close-up view here (Warning: Some may find disgusting)
This one they (local shop keepers)  say  coming from Inox
If Buabush wants, he can do anything (except winning St. Cruz seat)  and most 
of you will agree with me here.
CCP is like a  TV with remote control.  
But I am sure you know who has the remote control unit.
What about Parrikar?
There was a time, where  Aldona-Corjuem bridge was built in just 14 months.
IFFI infrastructure like Inox mulitifplex, New patto Bridge, Kala Academy 
(Revamp), Roads, promenade, iffy jetty etc etc was built in just 8 months.
Yes, Parrikar too is capable of doing things, perhaps he waits for his turn..
What if he never becomes a CM again?
What if BJP never comes to power again?
Do something Mr. Parrikar.
You are the City MLA for God sake 

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