Over 250 years OldSt. Anthony Chapel at Goa-Velha
There is life size statue of St. Anthony on the main altar (see pics)
Many devotees came here year after year to attend 13 novena starting from June 
On the feast day i.e. 13th June, it was like any other church feast with fair 
But this year, it was different.
The Goa-velha church conducted parallel novenas/feast at the church advising 
devotee not  to attend the chapel? (locals say it was due to the 
non-corporation of the so called proprietor) The proprietor of the chapel?  
(whose house is next to the chapel, see pic)  claims the family has been 
looking after the chapel for 82 years.  
many years ago, we even heard that a priest before dying handed over the chapel 
to this man or family many years ago.
However, despite church parallel services (with news items in Goan dailies) 
some local people continue attending the services at the chapel.  They claim 
there were regular 
novena services and mass on the feast day.  When we arrived there just after 
4pm, preparation was going on for the 4.30 mass.
the pics (taken today 13.6.09  after 4pm)
St. Anthony
Main altar
The chapel and the proprietor’s house
it says something about the proprietor here
Marble stone name plate below the main altar
This one taken from NT today.
In 1752, a Portuguese nobleman Dom Joao Antonio de Melo, who had lost his 
eyesight, was being taken by a machila (palanquin) from Agassaim to Ribandar. 
When his bearers needing rest at Goa Velha below the Pilar hillock, they made a 
stop beneath the mango tree and told the nobleman that a statue of St Anthony 
was placed in a niche carved at the wayside log of a coconut tree at Goa Velha. 
Immediately, the nobleman prayed to St Anthony, �You are known as the Saint of 
miracles, you are here in the open, in the sun or rain; if you restore my 
eyesight, I will build a beautiful chapel to keep your statue in.�
On return journey, Dom Joao again was lowered in the same place and there the 
miracle is reported to have taken place. And Dom Joao could see the statue of 
the Saint. When the nobleman was back home, without help he climbed the steps 
to the palace. As his wife could not believe, he came out in the veranda and 
counted the vessels he could see in the bay.
Faithful to the vow, he brought the copies of best altars from Portugal, built 
the Chapel, placed the life-size statue of St Anthony, which still exists in 
the Chapel
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