My dear Goans,

Goa is celebrating the 64th. Goa Revolution Day on 18th. June, 2010 and our good wishes goes to each and every Goan with just a thought to ponder on. It took a rank outsider in Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia to instilled the spirit of REVOLUTION into the bloodstream of Goans in the year 1946, even prior to the gaining of Independence for India from the British rule. Thereafter, it took 15 years for this revolutionary mind-set of Goans to have India help Goa to get rid of the Portuguese because Portugal was contemptuous towards handing-over the reins of Goa in the hands of Goans, leave, to maintain friendly relations with Goa and Goans which it has ultimately done through the back-door, as it were, after having been humiliated to no extent by the invading Indian Armed Forces. The transition of Goa into the hands of Goans would be no great deal, as Goans were handling every aspect of governance in this territory, anyway. Besides, this very act would deprive Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of the excuse to march into Goa to resurrect the political fortunes of his close friend Shri. Vengalil Krishnan Krishna Menon, especially suffering after the 1948 'Jeeps scandal', even at the expense of a barrage of world criticism and even having to go against the root Non-Aligned stand against 'aggression' and 'non-violence'. Probably this inner guilt feeling and a veritable slap in the face from the international community hastened his death in 1964 at the age of 75.

49 years down the line, what Goa was promised by him, that Goa will be treated as a special case with 'special status' etc. is yet to be realized. In the meantime Goa's demography is being actively sought to be diluted by his very own party, the Indian National Congress for vote-bank politics when in time "special Status' for Goa will hold no meaning at all.

1967 saw the tumultuous Goa's 'Opinion Poll' where the sheer determination of Goans saved Goa from being merged with the neibouring Maharashtra. In all probability, if Mr. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had in his heart any special consideration for Goa and Goans, he would have outright denied the demand of the mergerists, leave alone sanctioning of the "Opinion Poll" where the very being of Goa and Goans was threatened and came very close to being lost, if not for the above mentioned sheer determination to survive and keep their Goanness very much alive.

The mergerists, having lost their grip on their dear dreams of decimating Goa and Goanness, have been, all through the years since 1967, nursing the feelings of bringing death to Goa and Goans. This has been evident during the 17 long years of misrule and the beginning of the destruction and devastation of Goa by the erstwhile Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP). The same MGP stalwarts resurfaced through re-incarnation as Congressmen to rule Goa ever since, with a brief spell of the equally destructive rule by the communal RSS-BJP with the insider help of the mergerists. Luckily, their bluff has been called and Goa remains in a vice like grip of the erstwhile mergerist masquerading as Congressmen and getting away with it, fooling Goans. Their hatred for Goa and Goanness is manifest in the way the Official Language Act (1987) has been implemented by inserting "Only Devanagiri" as the script for 'Konkani' when the 'script' itself should not have been mentioned, giving equal rights to 'Roman' as well as 'Devanagiri' scripts.

That Goans are not happy with the prevalent state of affairs with Goa going down by the day with the destruction of its hills and forests, its water resources and agricultural fields, its rivers and beautiful God given golden beach fronts, with no sanitation to call by its name and garbage flowing onto the streets; roads and market places with impunity; with the dilution of the Goan demography through illegal promotion of surreptitious in-migration in the name of development; the lack of rule of law where the esteemed citizens of this land are left unprotected; corruption at every level and political insanity galore. It is very clear that Goans are thinking in terms of liberating Goa for the second time, this time to give their Goa the much needed and much promised 'Special Status', even at the cost of instituting the 2nd Opinion Poll to stop the massive sale of Goa through the backdoor.

On this 64th. Goa Revolution Day, let us tell Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia that his efforts to liberate Goa from the Portuguese yolk has been successful to the effect that a more deleterious home-grown yolk has been harnessed on the backs of Goans today to see that they lose everything dear to them, even to the extent of losing their Goa itself. The agenda being that if Goa was not merged into the heartland of Maharashtra, Goa will be taken away from Goan by diluting its demography in such a manner that Goa does not remain Goa that was, in a few more years. Let us tell Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia that we Goans will now fight these home grown traitors in this new revolution of the ballots not only to see that new, Goa Centric minds are inducted into the service of taking care of Goa and Goans but also providing a Road Map for them to move on - A road map for a 'System of Governance' that will not tolerate any diversions or manipulations. Let us tell Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia that we Goans shall send the ever so destructive Delhi - Nagpur - Maharashtra High Commands packing for once, to install Goa's own High Command in Goa. That New Delhi will have to spread a red carpet for Goa's CEOs to walk on instead of being on 'beck and call' from the 'cooks' in Delhi. Let us tell Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia that we Goans will see to it that our CEOs are heaped with garlands of GOLD and lifted onto the golden Palanquins to honour them, but only if they will work for Goa's upliftment through rigours of self-sacrifice and diligent hard work.

And last but not the least, let us thank Shri. Ram Manohar Lohia for giving us this 64th. Goa Revolution Day to celebrate with our lead filled eyes cleared and fully open to the fact that 'to keep our freedom, we must not only kick out the foreigners and outsiders who have invaded us to kingdom come but also kick our very own cheating and robbing fellow Goan Alibabas into a burning and churning HELL.


Floriano Lobo
General Secretary,
Goa Su-Raj Party

2nd. Flr. Karekar Building, above Indian Overseas Bank
Mapusa  - 9890470896/9422060347
Wishes  every Goan  on this auspicious  64th. Goa  Revolution Day.

Prevailing Socio-Economic-Political n Demographic trends demand that Goa has a second 'revolution', this time to throw out the insensitive; bad; corrupted; self-serving Politics and Governance.

Goa's Opinion Poll No.1 -1967 stopped Goa's merger into Maharashtra. Not enough! Goa needs Opinion Poll No.2 -2012 [as suggested by Dr. Hubert Gomes of Margao on HCN] to stop backdoor SALE of Goa and importantly, to attain 'SPECIAL STATUS FOR GOA'- which was promised 49 long years ago and still dangling.

Who else better suited to lead this revolution than this 'Revolutionary GOA SU-RAJ PARTY??? So that you may know n understand the Party better, daily Power Point Presentations shall be held at Party premises between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm and on request. Pernem to Cancona Party membership opens in order to facilitate setting up of Constituency level Party Organizations. Be the 'COG-IN -THE-WHEEL ' of this most important REVOLUTION. The Message - "At Election times we field the unique and unparalled 'System of Governance' ; NOT 'Candidates' "
Sd/- Gen. Secretry
[note: A call before coming will be highly appreciated]

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