Hello Ana Maria,

Like you there are many sincere and simple folk.
I enjoyed your article "The Best Religion" - for your is Christianity.

For others is their childhood or cultural RELIGION>
There are two kinds of truths:
a) Relative truth and b) Absolute truth.

Relative truth is the one which relates to us. In your case it is Christianity.
If the person was brought up a Budhist then his/hers is this "relative" TRUTH>

In the Bible you do not find the word "christianity" and the word "christian is 
found twice or thrice.

A Christian is the one who is an apprentice of Jesus. When our Lord walked in 
this earth, he had his
Twelve disciples or apprentices, with whom he spent His life. In other words he 
traned them by doing and teaching. (See Acts 1:1-2)
And the Twelve learned from Him. Their lives were revolutionized. Besides them 
He had others the 70 and maybe more. Jesus influenced ALL who walked with Him. 
Some were friends, the drunkards, the sex worker/s,
the blind and the lame besides those who had AIDS (lepers).

As we celebrate His resurection - we must remember that JESUS LIVES.
Remember He never created "christianity" - but His ways were childlike (Mathew 

Soon after His death He ascended, and promised to return. Return He will, 
sooner or later.

In the meanwhile how does His life affect us today?
a) He invites us thus:Mathew 11verse 28-29 Come to Me, all you who labor and 
are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
 b) We respond by faith. Just ASK Him. BELIEVE He is alive and He means what He 
says and says what He means.
It is an invitation. A call to "learn" you are not forced or asked to take an 
oath. One can choose for a religion insted of a relationship. Jesus calls us to 
a living relationship with God our Heavenly father, and after His RESURECTION 
this was made possible. 

To-day christianity is marketed in the "super churches" it is monopolized and 
Today one has to shell our money for salvation there are spiritual middlemen or 
agents lurking around!

Jesus gave His life free to ALL those by Faith respond to His invitation.
As simple as that, but responding just by a mental assent is not enough. One 
has to follow Him and learn from Him and He is humble and meek. Remember 
meekness is not weakness. I love Jesus in my simplicity and sincerety. He had 
grace and guts! Grace from above and guts from below to those who opposed Him.
What a Saviour!

Have a blessed Passover.

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