[Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-03-27 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha
Looks like it's the Marshall Mendonza hunting season, and while it's
time for an active cabal to gang up against him, I feel obliged to
make a few points here.

* I disagree with Santosh's weasel words
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word] in describing Marshall's
posts: "Marshall is giving you bogus information as usual." "Vijay
Prashad's wavelength is on the extreme left fringe of the invisible
spectrum." "Prashad spreads lies about others for political reasons."]

["The expression weasel word derives from the egg-eating habits of
weasels. An egg that a weasel has sucked will look intact to the
casual observer, while actually being empty."]

I think it would be beneficial if Santosh told us exactly what is
wrong in the arguments, instead of taking pot shots at Vijay Prashad's
ideology. And btw, since one of Goa's greatest intellectual giants
Dharmanand Kossambi was himself a self-avowed Marxist, should we be
dismissing him with nasty comments, instead of spending taxpayers'
money to celebrate his legacy? I think not... Even assuming Prashad
was totally wrong in identifying the accused in some West Bengal case,
can and should this be used against his arguments here?

The manner in which people's arguments are distorted, and then they
are slapped with it, is certainly unfair.

Repeatedly, it is made out as if Marshall is some kind of a bigot, out
to spread communal flames. Religious fundamentalism is a major concern
in today's India, and I think Marshall is doing a good job of using
logic and facts (mostly without losing his cool). Needless to say, it
makes our efforts much more credible if we talk out in the cause of
all underdogs -- not just when our own 'community' is affected.

What are we getting so worked up with the view that expats often tend
to have a more conservative ideology compared to their counterparts
back home, battling as they do their own issues of racism and needing
to fit into new societies? This is not a new perspective, and the
point has been made when the Sikh insurrection in the Punjab seemed to
be fuelled from abroad. Muslim extremism also has its diasporic
nature. I don't see why Hindutva would be different, it's support from
the diaspora has been well documented. Likewise, the Christian expat
tends to have a lower tolerance threshold -- as the debates on Goanet
sometimes shows -- though we in Goa ourselves are pretty bad on that
front too.

Having said all this, I think the suggestion made  [
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GoenchimXapotam/message/20516  ] to say
"can anyone provide me with personal details on Marshall, such as his
phone number, address etc? I would like to help him in his fight
against the extremist hindutva forces, but posting his contact details
on various hindu forums. He can then get acquainted with these people
directly and stop bothering us with his paranoia." is not just unfair.
It also shows an inclination to incite further bigotry when we see it
as suiting our goals, or scoring points. FN

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk Bone shorts." - Kelly Allen

[Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-03-27 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Marlon Menezes:
"can anyone provide me with personal details on Marshall, such as hisphone
number, address etc? I would like to help him in his fightagainst the
extremist hindutva forces, but posting his contact detailson various hindu
forums. He can then get acquainted with these peopledirectly and stop
bothering us with his paranoia."

In a debate, arguments ought to be met with counter arguments supported by
facts, logic and reason. Resorting to tactics of intimidation and veiled
threats of inciting physical violence does not speak well of the person or
the forum where it was posted.



[Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-03-29 Thread Edward Verdes

I agree with you and as for the msg on  GX, I feel its a threat to 
Marshall's life since he is in India.
Marlon has completely lost the point and now he wants Hindu extremists help, 
to fight with Marshall.
I wonder if Marlon was living in India would he give his own address to the 
Shiv Sena guys?

The very presence of VHPA in US is an eye opener, which says that there are 
2 million Hindus in US.
if one goes to their site, you can see what it stands for although they deny 
that they have nothing

to do with VHP India. theres even a link to the RSS there.

Now as far as Mumbai Goermkar is concernced..I have lived in  Mumbai for 
many years and I know its not the same as it used to be before. Christian 
Mumbaikars presently in mumbai will tell you more on this. Christians are 
not safe anymore..and I fear Goa is following the steps of Mumbai...What 
Marshall has posted is nothing...there is much more happening in Mumbai and 
in India...and these day to day incidents which are happening are not on the 
internet or news media for our friends
in US and the world around to see or read. A simple prayer meeting of 
Christians is looked upon by these extremists as a plot to convert hindus.

Dev Borem Korum
Edward Verdes..

Looks like it's the Marshall Mendonza hunting season, and while it's
time for an active cabal to gang up against him, I feel obliged to
make a few points here.

Having said all this, I think the suggestion made  [
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GoenchimXapotam/message/20516  ] to say
"can anyone provide me with personal details on Marshall, such as his
phone number, address etc? I would like to help him in his fight
against the extremist hindutva forces, but posting his contact details
on various hindu forums. He can then get acquainted with these people
directly and stop bothering us with his paranoia." is not just unfair.
It also shows an inclination to incite further bigotry when we see it
as suiting our goals, or scoring points. FN

Re: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-03-27 Thread goacom

Marshall is being attacked not for his fight against hindutva extremism, but 
for his rather paranoid and gross generalizations about Indian Americans. He 
has also made some rather outrageous allegations suggesting that Santosh 
supports hinduvta terror in India. Santosh has a track record, both on and off 
the net in supporting causes and individuals, regardless of religion.

I am strongly opposed to hindutva extremism.  Since Marshall claims that the 
Indian-American community is full of such extremists, I have provided him with 
my personal details for which he my permission to provide to these alleged 
American-Indian groups. 

Likewise, I believe he is barking up the wrong tree in his attacks on Santosh 
on goanet. If he wants to engage in attacks on real hindutva nuts, I have 
offered to post his details on Indian hindu forums, so that they can battle it 
out over there. With Nasci at his side, he has nothing to fear!

When Marshall posts articles on hindutva activities on the net, it is fine. 
That is his right, and I even support it. But when he personally makes blanket 
statements against a community and then accuses individuals of being communal, 
he better be prepared for a response.


--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Frederick "FN" Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick "FN" Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 10:54 AM

Looks like it's the Marshall Mendonza hunting season, and while it's
time for an active cabal to gang up against him, I feel obliged to
make a few points here.

Re: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-03-27 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, Frederick "FN" Noronha  wrote:
> I think it would be beneficial if Santosh told us exactly
> what is wrong in the arguments, instead of taking pot shots at
> Vijay Prashad's ideology. 

I have already told you what is wrong with what Vijay Prashad has written. He 
slandered a poor father and brother of a young woman who was murdered by 
Marxist politicians. He falsely claimed that these innocent family members were 
responsible for her murder in order to cover up the fact that his fellow 
communists were the real culprits.

Frederick appears to be in denial of the egregious offense that Vijay Prashad 
has committed, despite the fact that I have provided documentary evidence to 
support it. Please note his obfuscation below:

"Even assuming Prashad was totally wrong in identifying the accused in some 
West Bengal case, can and should this be used against his arguments here?"
..Frederick Frederick

Why does Frederick have to assume that Prashad was totally wrong? Isn't it 
obvious that he was? Do facts mean anything to Frederick?

As far as Prashad being a Marxist, I couldn't care less. I have no interest in 
arguing against Marxism or communism. All I care is to expose the fact that 
this man slanders and lies about other people, including people like Mother 
Teresa, in the service of his petty politics and parochial ideology. I believe 
I have provided ample documentary evidence to back this statement of mine. 
> The manner in which people's arguments are distorted, and
> then they are slapped with it, is certainly unfair.

Nobody is as good as Frederick at doing the above, and using weasel words or 
whatever else he is accusing me and others of doing. Here is a classic example 
of this behavior in an article he wrote in Herald recently:

"It's perhaps understandable if believers let slip their bias; but for people 
claiming neutrality from religion to cynically manipulate it is all too 
Frederick Noronha

I have repeatedly asked Frederick to clarify who and whose religion he was
referring to when he made this accusation in his Herald article, and
what facts he was relying on to impugn their motives.

To date he has shirked his ethical responsibility to do so. Indeed, he has 
claimed that he does not believe his opinions have to be supported by evidence. 
In other words, he believes he is free to abuse his journalistic privileges to 
accuse anybody he wants based on his own whims and prejudices. 




Re: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...

2009-04-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
 http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


I think you did cross the line, more than a wee bit, there.


However, you eschewed the taint of Judas by choosing to deliver 

the man without subterfuge.


Should that be considered mitigating a potential betrayal however unsolicited?


Alfred de Tavares,

Stockholm, 2009-04-08


> Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 08:42:29 +0530
> From: mmendonz...@gmail.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] The hunting-Marshall season...
> Marlon Menezes:
> "can anyone provide me with personal details on Marshall, such as hisphone
> number, address etc? I would like to help him in his fightagainst the
> extremist hindutva forces, but posting his contact detailson various hindu
> forums. He can then get acquainted with these peopledirectly and stop
> bothering us with his paranoia."
> Response:
> In a debate, arguments ought to be met with counter arguments supported by
> facts, logic and reason. Resorting to tactics of intimidation and veiled
> threats of inciting physical violence does not speak well of the person or
> the forum where it was posted.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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