More than how they break the law, it is the strange ones they make that puts 
them in a class by themselves. 
The man who meets us at his three-storeyed office in Betalbatim is a bleached 
shadow of the flamboyant Mickky Pacheco that Goa is so used to — blingy 
tight T-shirts and clunky gold chains. Today, he is dressed entirely in white, 
his feet ensconced in ordinary black sandals, an ensemble that desperately 
invokes an air of serenity that the former tourism minister is in dire need of, 
after 14 days in police custody on charges of abetting the suicide of his 
‘girlfriend’ Nadia Torreado. The 45-year-old MLA from Benaulim is testy when 
interview veers to the allegations that he drove Torreado to her death and then 
bribed her family to silence. “They have nothing against me. The case is 
meaningless,” he says.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ISSUES BEING DEBATED: In East Africa, despite colonialism,
the British afforded the Goan a sliver of a socio-political
voice. Read *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho.
Soon to be available in Toronto. Pp 290. Via mail-order from

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