TAG’s Konkani Song & Music Awards 2009

1. Tiatr Academy of Goa has instituted ‘Konkani Song & Music Awards’ to be awarded every year. The aim of TAG is to give encouragement to producers, lyricists, singers, and musicians to improve the quality of Konkani Audio Albums which are produced in great number every year. This year these awards will be called ‘TAG’s Konkani Song & Music Award 2009’. The awards, which consists of a Memento and cash amount will be given in the following categories:-
a)      Male singer of the year
b)      Female singer of the year
c)      Lyricist of the year
d)      Music composer of the year
e)      Best Konkani audio album of the year

2. Audio albums produced between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2009 will be eligible to participate in this competition. 3. Interested producers, singers, lyricists, musicians, etc. may apply for the award in the prescribed form available at the office of the TAG, at S-1/S-4, Block –A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Opp Kala Academy, Campal, Panaji Goa during the office hours.
4.      Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
5. The audio albums will be adjudged by eminent personalities experienced in the field of song and music. 6. The decision of the judges will be final and binding on every participant. 7. The last date to submit the entries to the Office of TAG is on or before 3rd February, 2010 at 4.30 p.m.

The producers of Konkani Album or singers and music providers are requested to participate in this competition and make it a big success.

Tomazinho Cardozo
President – TAG

Application Form

S-1/S-4, Block –A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Opp Kala Academy, Campal, Panaji Goa.



1. Name of the album :-______________________________________

2. Name of the producer :-______________________________________

3. Address of the producer :-______________________________________

4. Phone number :-Landline___________Cell ________________

5. Date of release of the album :-______________________________________

6. Names of three songs the lyrics of which according to the producer/lyricist are the best.
(i)   _____________________________
(ii)  _____________________________
(iii) _____________________________
    (N.B Attach separate copies of the lyrics of the three songs.)

7. Names of three songs and three male singers which the producer/singer considers as their best rendered songs.
Name of the song                                 Name of the male singer
(i)________________________                      __________________________
(ii)_______________________                      __________________________
(iii)_______________________                     __________________________

8. Names of three songs and three female singers which the producer/singer considers as their best rendered songs.
Name of the song                                 Name of the female singer
(i)________________________                      __________________________
(ii)_______________________                      __________________________
(iii)_______________________                     __________________________

9. Names of three songs and the composer of the music which the producer/musician considers as his/her best music composition.
Name of the song                                 Name of the music composer
(i)________________________                      __________________________
(ii)_______________________                      __________________________
(ii)_______________________                      __________________________

- I/We hereby state that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. - I/We have attached three typed copies of the lyrics of the three songs for considering them for the best lyricist award.

Place- _______________ Name of the applicant/s-_____________________

Date-_______________                        Signature-_____________________

N.B: Three CDs must be submitted to TAG along with this application.

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