Re: [Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray?

2017-01-14 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
>Jim Fernandes amigo007 at
>Sat Jan 14 08:14:58 PST 2017
> Well, if Mehta is not a journalist, what exactly is this person
> teaching about journalism at NYU?


Mehta’s work has been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times
Magazine, National Geographic, Granta, Harper’s Magazine, Time, and
Newsweek, and has been featured on NPR’s ‘Fresh Air’ and ‘All Things

Eugene Correia eugene.correia at
> I lived Maximum City, which weals [sic] with many aspects of Bombay.
> Mehta is[sic], however, was born in Kolkatta.

FACT: Suketu Mehta (born 1963) is a writer based in New York City. He was
born in Kolkata, India, and raised in Mumbai where he lived until his
family moved to the New York area in 1977.
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Re: [Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray?

2017-01-14 Thread Jim Fernandes

Well, if Mehta is not a journalist, what exactly is this person teaching about 
journalism at NYU? Please read the extract I lifted from the article or or if 
you prefer, you may want to read the whole article in the link Fred provided.

Let's not kid ourselves about unfair coverage by left-wing media about Trump. 
Even now, after more than two months into the elections, they are still dishing 
out mostly garbage about Trump - and that includes the sore losers here in 

The road is NOT AT ALL rocky for Trump - this is a left-wing fantasy. In fact, 
Trump is enjoying humongous support with Americans who voted for him - keep 
dreaming that Trump will be a lame duck in the White House. Most Americans are 
all about inclusive society. Do you know how many KKK members exist in America? 
How many votes do you think Trump got from these outliers? 

Sure - they might have voted for him but Trump won because of the wins in the 
rust belt - a region that lost millions of jobs to China, Mexico and other 
countries. For your information KKK operates mostly in the Deep South and 
Southern states almost always voted Republican anyway. To say that Trump won 
because of KKK is pure ignorance.

As a centrist Democrat, what I have come to understand about American politics 
is that the Democratic party has lost its way. They better kick the Clintons 
out of there and re-group with better strategies and enlist the help of more 
firebrand politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Warren Elizabeth, if they want 
a fighting chance to take on Trump in 2020. The way Trump is calling the shots 
right now, even a firebrand Democratic politician will have an up-hill battle 
to win against Trump after four years - unless Trump completely screws it up in 
the first term.

I have been keeping a close tab on what the left-wing media was flooding to the 
American public. None of them ever thought Trump would win. Most pollsters and 
bookies were so confident that Hillary would win that some of them even started 
paying off betters in advance. How crazy was that!

Watch and read about below jokers (they got rotten eggs on their faces):

Most idiots still do not get it as to why Trump won - chief amongst them are:
1. Jobs - American jobs have been heading for the exits for years leaving 
scraps for people in America. This was primarily driven by greedy corporate 
America and the Chinese and Mexicans.

2. Border Security - Why should US NOT beef up its own border security and keep 
illegals out? Democrats want open borders because they benefit from additional 
voter base. Pretty much most latin American immigrants, tend to side with the 
Democrats because of the largesse they get from Democratic politicians. I don't 
want my tax dollars to subsidize the illegals.

3. Islamic Terrorism - I personally believe Obama was too easy on these guys 
who have chopped off the heads of Americans in ISIS controlled areas. I believe 
Trump is going to wipe these punks off, using smart military tactics. This is 
one of the reasons he is pandering for Russian support.

4. China - This country has been hurting America on several different fronts. 
You need someone tough like Trump to play hardball with the Chinese. Just 
remember - China needs America (and its allies) more than the other way around. 
I expect Trump to use strong arm tactics to get China to contain N.Korea as 

5. Obamacare - I am a big fan of this signature legislation by the outgoing 
president. But it needs improvements. Even though the Republicans are 
indicating that they will repeal and replace - I don't think the Republicans 
will make it any worse than what it is now. On the contrary, I think they will 
make it much better. I have said this before - the Obamacare eggs have already 
been scrambled. You can't un-scramble them. At most, one can tweak the meal in 
a few ways and make 'Egg Bhurji' out of it and I am fine with that.

6. Reconstruction - America is showing signs of crumbling infra-structure. Even 
the newest airport terminal in Mumbai will put the JFK airport and La Guardia 
airports to shame. Trump once said, he feels ashamed to see these eye sores. I 
expect Trump to go on a massive spending binge to rebuild crumbling American 
infra-structure. This would drive up employment in America - by rebuilding 
America and hence - Make America Great Again.

7. Immigration - It has been falsely published that Trump is anti-immigrants. 
This is not true. I am an immigrant and I pay huge taxes. Do you think he wants 
me out? 

No way! 

In fact he would love people like me to to live here and contribute to American 

What Trump is against is the free loaders - those who jumped the ships, US 
borders etc and sucking up American resources by way of free heal

Re: [Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray?

2017-01-13 Thread Eugene Correia
Mehta is not a journalist, but a write who has written fiction and
non-fiction. His book on Bombay, Maximum City, was a hit, and I think it
was finalist at the Pulitzer Awards. He lives in New York.
I lived Maximum City, which weals with many aspects of Bombay. Mehta is,
however, was born in Kolkatta.
As for Trump, many leading newspapers and magazines thought he may not
lose. But some journalists also feared that Trump could win. Populism,
migrant-bashing, and catering to those who believe in white supremacy and
are followers of hate groups such as Ku Klux Khan propped him up.
The road so far has been rocky for Trump, and once he's sworn in could be
part of the 'swamp".
Keep fingers crossed.


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Jim Fernandes  wrote:

> Fred,
> Let me lift a few lines from the link you provided below and provide my
> two cents as to why the writer is dead wrong.
> "Hillary Clinton had the research, the voter data. Mr. Trump went with his
> gut, told stories, ripping yarns. The audience laughed, cried — and voted.
> I teach journalism at New York University, and none of the esteemed
> journalists I know predicted a Trump victory. "
> My response:
> How lame! I don't get it ... What exactly is the writer trying to portray?
> That only esteemed journalists and their ilk are supposed to correctly
> predict the winner? Or that all of the smart journalists got blind sided by
> voters who bought Mr. Trump's yarns?
> You don't need to be a smart journalist to get it right. I have a
> reputation to side with the winning horse (look up my record on GoaNet) and
> I had a pretty good idea that Trump would win ... and I am not a journalist!
> The whole article is a piece of crap and comparing Trump to Bal Thakre
> (that's how I would like to spell his name) is like comparing apples to
> oranges!
> Instead of filling up the pages of New York Times with more garbage,
> perhaps, the writer has to do some soul searching as to why their side got
> shellacked. They have absolutely no pulse on American politics. In the same
> vein, the writer (a journalist at that)  - has no clue that the modern day
> journalists are almost obsolete with the advent of real time tools such as
> Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram etc. My suggestion to such folks is
> to change with the times or else ... perish.
> The left-wing media needs to understand that Trump does not need them.
> That's right. He just does not need them at all. All Trump needs, is access
> to Twitter and the time to punch out 140 characters to get his message out
> to the world. The world has changed my friend ... it's 2017. These old
> world journalists better change or they are doomed.
> Let me give an example of the kind of questioning that went on yesterday
> at his conference. One journalist asked and let me paraphrase it here, 'Mr
> Trump what are you going to do about your tax returns and when are you
> planning on sharing them?'
> Mr Trump replied (again not word for word) - Nobody is interested in my
> tax returns! The American public does not care. It's you guys, the
> journalists that care and I give rats @ss about it. And you know something,
> even with my tax returns - I won!
> So, you see, being a US citizen, frankly I don't care to see his tax
> returns. All I bought from him was his assurance that he is going to
> retain/bring jobs back to America - that's what I care. Not the stupid tax
> returns. Hillary Clinton did not convince me she was going to work for me.
> Get it?
> The left wing media, along with the New York Times had been trying
> furiously to derail Trump's campaign. Ironically, I am a center left
> Democrat (who voted for Trump) and so I almost always read only the
> left-wing media. Until the most recent elections, I had no clue how bad the
> American media is biased towards their agenda. Other than Fox and a handful
> of other smaller outlets, there is very little media support for the
> right-wing folks.
> To get an idea what Twitter employees are dealing with, check this out:
> reckon-with-trump.html
> Cheers,
> Jim Fernandes
> Scarsdale, NY.
> On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 03:41:40 +0530, Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक
> नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
>  wrote:
> > He was a master of the art of the outrage, of politics as performance. He
> > would castigate his opponents as “vampires,” “a sack of flour” and
> various
> > untranslatable epithets like calling South Indians “yandu-gundus.”
> > Periodically, he would express admiration for Hitler, immediately
> > attracting thousands of news pages of free publicity. He regularly called
> > for books and films that he felt were antithetical to Hindu values to be
> > banned. Egged on by his invective, his legions would go out and beat up
> > artists and journalists.
> >
> thackeray-bombay-strongman-explain-trump.htm

Re: [Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray?

2017-01-13 Thread Jim Fernandes

Let me lift a few lines from the link you provided below and provide my two 
cents as to why the writer is dead wrong.

"Hillary Clinton had the research, the voter data. Mr. Trump went with his gut, 
told stories, ripping yarns. The audience laughed, cried — and voted.

I teach journalism at New York University, and none of the esteemed journalists 
I know predicted a Trump victory. "

My response:
How lame! I don't get it ... What exactly is the writer trying to portray? That 
only esteemed journalists and their ilk are supposed to correctly predict the 
winner? Or that all of the smart journalists got blind sided by voters who 
bought Mr. Trump's yarns?

You don't need to be a smart journalist to get it right. I have a reputation to 
side with the winning horse (look up my record on GoaNet) and I had a pretty 
good idea that Trump would win ... and I am not a journalist!

The whole article is a piece of crap and comparing Trump to Bal Thakre (that's 
how I would like to spell his name) is like comparing apples to oranges! 

Instead of filling up the pages of New York Times with more garbage, perhaps, 
the writer has to do some soul searching as to why their side got shellacked. 
They have absolutely no pulse on American politics. In the same vein, the 
writer (a journalist at that)  - has no clue that the modern day journalists 
are almost obsolete with the advent of real time tools such as Twitter, 
Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram etc. My suggestion to such folks is to change 
with the times or else ... perish.

The left-wing media needs to understand that Trump does not need them. That's 
right. He just does not need them at all. All Trump needs, is access to Twitter 
and the time to punch out 140 characters to get his message out to the world. 
The world has changed my friend ... it's 2017. These old world journalists 
better change or they are doomed.

Let me give an example of the kind of questioning that went on yesterday at his 
conference. One journalist asked and let me paraphrase it here, 'Mr Trump what 
are you going to do about your tax returns and when are you planning on sharing 

Mr Trump replied (again not word for word) - Nobody is interested in my tax 
returns! The American public does not care. It's you guys, the journalists that 
care and I give rats @ss about it. And you know something, even with my tax 
returns - I won! 

So, you see, being a US citizen, frankly I don't care to see his tax returns. 
All I bought from him was his assurance that he is going to retain/bring jobs 
back to America - that's what I care. Not the stupid tax returns. Hillary 
Clinton did not convince me she was going to work for me. Get it?

The left wing media, along with the New York Times had been trying furiously to 
derail Trump's campaign. Ironically, I am a center left Democrat (who voted for 
Trump) and so I almost always read only the left-wing media. Until the most 
recent elections, I had no clue how bad the American media is biased towards 
their agenda. Other than Fox and a handful of other smaller outlets, there is 
very little media support for the right-wing folks.

To get an idea what Twitter employees are dealing with, check this out:


Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, NY.

On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 03:41:40 +0530, Frederick FN Noronha *  फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या 
* فريدريك نورونيا 

> He was a master of the art of the outrage, of politics as performance. He
> would castigate his opponents as “vampires,” “a sack of flour” and various
> untranslatable epithets like calling South Indians “yandu-gundus.”
> Periodically, he would express admiration for Hitler, immediately
> attracting thousands of news pages of free publicity. He regularly called
> for books and films that he felt were antithetical to Hindu values to be
> banned. Egged on by his invective, his legions would go out and beat up
> artists and journalists.

Re: [Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray? - 2

2017-01-13 Thread Jim Fernandes

Correction to my earlier post:

And you know something, even WITHOUT my tax returns - I won! 

Jim F.

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 23:19:48 -0500 (EST), "Jim Fernandes"  

> Fred,
> Let me lift a few lines from the link you provided below and provide my two 
> cents as to why the writer is dead wrong.
> Let me give an example of the kind of questioning that went on yesterday at 
> his conference. One journalist asked and let me paraphrase it here, 'Mr Trump 
> what are you going to do about your tax returns and when are you planning on 
> sharing them?'
> Mr Trump replied (again not word for word) - Nobody is interested in my tax 
> returns! The American public does not care. It's you guys, the journalists 
> that care and I give rats @ss about it. And you know something, even with my 
> tax returns - I won! 
> So, you see, being a US citizen, frankly I don't care to see his tax returns. 
> All I bought from him was his assurance that he is going to retain/bring jobs 
> back to America - that's what I care. Not the stupid tax returns. Hillary 
> Clinton did not convince me she was going to work for me. Get it?

[Goanet] Trump, a non-saffron Bal Thackeray?

2017-01-12 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
He was a master of the art of the outrage, of politics as performance. He
would castigate his opponents as “vampires,” “a sack of flour” and various
untranslatable epithets like calling South Indians “yandu-gundus.”
Periodically, he would express admiration for Hitler, immediately
attracting thousands of news pages of free publicity. He regularly called
for books and films that he felt were antithetical to Hindu values to be
banned. Egged on by his invective, his legions would go out and beat up
artists and journalists.