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       International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
    Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
              Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

“Utt Goenkara” has vowed to pursue complaints of
corruption and abuse of authority in government
departments received from any nook or corner of Goa. 

“Utt Goenkara” has demanded an immediate probe into
the appointment letters issued last week by the Public
Works department to 103 new Lower Division Clerks
(LDC’s) at the behest of Mr. Vishwajeet Rane and Mr.
Sudin Dhavlikar. 

Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s directive to Goa
Chief Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat to provide a corrupt
free administration has to be taken in right earnest.

As a step in this direction MLA’s Dayanand Narvekar
and Mauvin Godinho with cases of serious criminal
offences pending against them should not be inducted
into the cabinet until they are cleared of the charges
by the Courts. 
To protect the interests of Goa’s educated unemployed
the Government should revert the retirement age of
government employees to 58, revoke the blatant
extensions in service and contract appointments being
given to retired government officers and have a very
transparent system for recruitment of government staff
by entrusting all government recruitment to the Goa
Public Service Commission.

Demanding that the Goa’s new regional plan be prepared
in consultation with all concerned, Utt Goenkara has
stated that the Goa Regional Plan 2011 was not a mere
mistake or mishap but a planned fraud on the people of
Goa by some politicians to line their pockets by
selling Goa. 

Only a judicial probe into the roots of RP 2011 would
reveal the extent of the financial benefits that were
sought to be amassed through the anti-Goa, anti-people
and anti-environment Goa Regional Plan 2011 by some
Ministers and many MLAs of the last legislative
assembly along with their cronies.

There is need of a consensus within all political
parties of appointing only technical experts on the
Town and Country Planning Board and other planning
authorities to ensure Goa’s planned development with
an environmental vision by first improving Goa's
crumbling basic infrastructure while tackling serious
issues like garbage and vehicle parking in cities on a
top priority. 

A fractured mandate is a recipe for administrative
chaos and in such a situation it warrants the need of
NGO’s to be all the more vigilant against any
injustice to the common man.

A delegation of “Utt Goenkara” would meet Chief
Minister Mr. Digambar Kamat next week and seek his
intervention in resolving Goa’s pressing problems. 

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