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New district Hospital opening likely by September 16
Unhealthy conditions continue to prevail at Mapusa
Asilo Hospital.
by Erwin Fonseca

A month has passed by since the Chief Minister,
Mr Digambar Kamat, along with Mr Vishwajeet Rane,
the Minister for Health, the Mapusa MLA, Mr Francis
D'Souza and the Director of Health Services, Dr Rajnanda
Dessai, had visited the dilapidated Mapusa Asilo hospital.

On that visit, Mr Kamat had assured that he would hold a
meeting  of all the concerned authorities, immediately after the
Assembly Session and 'partly' shift the working of the old Asilo
to the New District Hospital at Peddem, as a start. However
this is yet to happen. Even the medical superintendent of the
Asilo, when contacted, said that so far he not received any
written order to this effect. With this delay the public and
ailing people of North Goa are forced to put up with the
tremendous difficulties and hardships caused at the Asilo
hospital at Mapusa.

The Asilo hospital, an important lifeline of North Goa,
once upon a time, had all the latest up-to-date medical
facilities and was a boon in the medical field to the people
of North Goa. The Asilo had all facilities ranging from
casualty, OPD, pathology, sonography, X-Ray machine,
ICCU, OT, pharmacy, blood bank and a morgue. The
OPD was commissioned in the seventies, first floor in 1981,
and ICCU in 1987.

However, in recent years, the morgue was closed and used
as a storeroom. Although there are 30 specialised doctors
and 22 medical officers, it is not enough to cope with the rush
experienced everyday, as there is a great number of patients
who come for treatment here, particularly on Fridays.

Most of the doctors working here are also engaged in private
practice and do not give proper attention to patients at Asilo.
The pharmacy closes quite early in the evening, forcing people
to buy medicines from the other pharmacies. It was also
noticed that some tablets given at the hospital pharmacy had
melted in their strips, even before the expiry date. Some
patients questioned how such medicines could be given by the
pharmacy staff, saying that this could be one of the reasons
why health of the patients does not improve here.

The registration counter also closes at 12 noon. Due to poor
back up power, the medical equipment cannot be used in case
of a power shut down. On September 3, during a power shut
down patients who had come for sonography were rudely
told that they would have to make fresh appointments.

The condition of the Asilo hospital is getting worse by the day.
There are wires hanging everywhere, plaster from the walls is
peeling off, grass has grown wild behind and around the
hospital, the backyard is filthy and the general hygiene is
deplorable. There are red marks of paan spit on the walls
and the toilets are filthy and poorly maintained. Tending to
a sick relative during the night is a nightmare. The male ward
is absolutely shabby with even fungus noticed under the
bed mattress.

The female medicine ward and the paediatric ward are
much better, but then these are maintained by the Rotary
Club and the Lions Club.

All these factors point that the government either has no
control over the functioning of the Asilo or is least bothered
of what goes on there. Entering the Asilo is sure to worsen
the condition of the patient. There are however, a few doctors
and nurses, who try  their best to act humanely under these
trying conditions.

It is reported that every facility and equipment is ready at the
new District hospital, but there is still no sign of when the
shifting exercise will begin. The government is already spending
lakhs of rupees on maintenance of machines, even though the
hospital has not been inaugurated. The warranty on some of
the machines has already lapsed.

There are reports that shifting of the Asilo could be done
before Ganesh Chaturthi, however, no one could either
confirm or deny this.

Meanwhile, the Mapusa BJP block president, Mr Rajsingh
Rane has said that they had pinned hopes on the Chief
Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat and had withdrawn their
planned agitation. “As Ganesh Chaturthi is approaching we
have suspended our plans for the time being, however,
if there are no sign of shifting  the Asilo, then we will start
our agitation in the last week of September.”

A boy who recently met with an accident and was treated
at the Asilo hospital said that he was very badly treated by
the staff, who even put stitches on him without giving him
local anesthesia. He said he was subjected to extreme pain
when his wounds were being dressed.

Meanwhile, it is reliably learnt that efforts are underway to
shift the Asilo hospital to its new premises and the shifting
could take place on September 16. In this regard, the
Health Minister, Mr Vishwajeet Rane is learnt to have
moved a note and  three departments, including  radiology,
gynaecology and medicine, are likely to be shifted in the
first phase and gradually other departments would be
shifted later.
The Navhind Times 05/9/10 page two
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