Join the campaign for "Better Policing"

Dear Madam/ Sir,

Today, Sunday, July 05 at Dharavi we organised the Police -Citizen interactive 
programme  in association with the All India Thowheed Jamaath for their womens 

There were more than 200 women present for this meeting.

We had requested the Mumbai Police Commissioner to depute a Senior Woman Police 
Officer. The  Police Commissioner of Mumbai, Shri Rakesh Maria deputed Smt. 
Sujata Patil, Sr.  Inspector of  Police- Kherwadi Police Station for this 

Sr. Police Inspector, Smt Sujata Patil in her opening remarks said, the Mumbai 
Police is here to serve you and we definately pay more attention to the issues 
and problems of the children and women in particular.

In her lucid style she  also advised them and guided them that in case of 
difficulties, you need not go to the Police Station but  dial 100 so that the 
police could help those women who are in problems. One of the good ideas she 
shared is to always keep the telephone number of your local police station and 
the Beat Chowky so that prompt and quick action could be taken.

"Dont be afraid to share your problems "and the "Police Commissioner Shri 
Rakesh Maria has given us instructions to attend to children and women's 
problems promptly". Mumbai Police are your friends, she remarked.

If there are concerns of any illegal things happening in your areas do bring it 
to our notice for prompt help.  Please support us in our work so that the area 
is crime free.

This was followed by an interactive session where some of the women raised 
various concerns and issues. One of the question raised was " Do you have to 
pay money  when we visit the police station to file a complain? That's the 
reason why many of us do not go to a police station when we have a problem ". 
In reply, Sr. Inspector of Police Sujata Patil said the Government pays us our 
salary and you do not have to pay anything while filing your complaints. If 
such a thing happens please go to the Senior Police Officers in the police 
station and inform them.When we dial the police helpline "100" number, they ask 
us to identify ourselves, was another question raised by one of the 
participants. Smt Patil explained that when you call the number 100,  your 
number gets logged into the system and than it is accordingly passed on to the 
respective police station where the problem has happened. But she said there is 
nothing to get worried. Smt. Sujata Patil encouraged the participants to raise 
their various questions and were answered by her.

Overall this meeting  was an excellent method to build confidence in the 
citizens about the police and explain to them about their rights. The talk 
would also  help them to approach the police in the event of any problems. 

Mr. Mouddin , Trustee of All India Thowheed Jamath spoke about Islam being a 
religion of peace. Also he said we are safe because the Mumbai Police work hard 
to protect all citizens. We must seek their help when we have problems . He 
thanked the Mumbai Police for all its good work. 

In his concluding remarks, Shri Dolphy Dsouza urged the women not to be afraid 
but approach their respective police stations in case of difficulties and 
problems. Police are meant to attend and solve our problems. We also have to 
work in colloboration with the Mumbai Police in ensuring that we have " Better 
Policing" for all of us. 

Dolphy also handed over the the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative [CHRI] 
Police Handbook: " 101 Things You Wanted To Know About The Police But Were Too 
Afraid To Ask" to Sr. Inspector of Police, Smt Sujata Patil. Also  the 
participants  got a copy each of the Handbook. He said if there are specific 
problems that they must contact the Trustees of their Organisation for help and 
redressal with the concerned Police Station.

Among the other notable Police Officials were Smt, Gosavi, and Police 
Constables Ms Banu Tadavi and Ms Jayshri Dhoble from the local Dharavi Police 

Sreeniwas one of our team members helped arrange this programme. The other team 
members who attended were, Bhavesh Pandya, Salil Rameshchandra and Stanley 

We intend to organise many such Police -Citizen partnership meetings in 
different parts of Mumbai.

We thank the Police Commissioner Shri Rakesh Maria for deputing Sr. Inspector 
of Police -Smt. Sujata Patil for this programme. 

Dolphy D'souza
NAGAR Coordinator - Better Policing 
Cecil Court, 3rd flr.,
Mahakavi Bhushan Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 400001
T: 022-22882018 T/F: 022-22021621
W: www.nagar.org.in  E: i...@nagar.org.in 
fb: www.facebook.com/nagar.org.in

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