Gram Sabha of Sao Mathias that was postponed last Sunday took place 
today 6th November 2011. 234 villagers from the revenue villages of 
Narva, Malar and Capao participated today. This Gram Sabha had attained 
importance for Bharat Mukti Morcha because of ongoing agitation against 
RP-2021 showing over 35,000 square meters of Vanxim land under survey 
number 8 as settlement zone. This land is a rivulet connected to Mandovi
 river and has two sluice gates, mangroves and mud flats.

Deputy Sarpanch Tulsidas Kundaikar was asked as to whether Panchayat 
members including Sarpanch had inspected the survey number before 
declaring it as settlement zone.Kundaikar replied that Panchayat members
 including Sarpanch had not inspected the survey number 8. Panchayat 
were grilled as to why Panchayat had not filed objections to the same. 
Kundaikar said that objections would be filed if the Gram Sabha members 
desires so.

You may see the pictures of river scape and mangroves in survey no. 8 at below 

Entire Sao Mathias Panchayat is Eco-Zone III and no construction of 
resorts/hotels are permitted as per the provisions in the Regional 

Panchayat was asked as to whether there was any proposal from any 
company for Vanxim. Deputy Sarpanch responded that there was no proposal
 of any project in Vanxim with Panchayat. Yet he asked people to vote on
 the imaginary project. First the people who opposed the project were 
asked to stand up. 84 people stood up. Then people who supported the 
project were asked to stand up. 45 people stood up. Remaining 105 people
 did not support any side.

Though this voting proved majority of those people voted against the 
project the deputy Sarpanch manipulated the results by including those 
neutral 105 into the category of those supporting the project. This 
manipulated result was shared with media for further brahmanical 

And the results was there for every one to see. One of the TV channels 
in Goa - Prudent Media- owned by mining company and bamon ran three 
totally misleading newslines soon after the Gram Sabha: 1. Majority of 
Vanshikars support resort project at Vanxim
 (This is not true as majority of Vanshikars are opposed to the project 
and voting in the Panchayat was not restricted only to Vanxim people in 
spite of public demand to do so.) 2. Gram Sabha gives green signal to the 
 (This statement is wrong as in the voting 84 people opposed the project
 and only 45 supported it. 105 remained without voting. Kundaikar 
interpreted those remaining without voting as support for the project 
and prudent media headlined it!) 3. Some villagers still oppose (It is majority 
of the villagers of Vanxim still oppose).

Vanxim struggle of mulnivasi people against bamon raj is strong and 
growing. No amount of false propaganda of brahmanical media will 
succeed. Bharat Mukti Morcha supports this struggle. Jai Mulnivasi!             


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