Vivek Costa Pereira: Take That!

PEDRO would always shout late evenings, after coming home,
"Take that, and that...  and that."

All the neighbours despised him and felt pity for his wife,

Yet, every morning, the couple went about doing their work,
almost normally. Pedro would work as a manual labourer,
whenever called. Marie would go from house to house, selling

          It was quite common for the neighbours to be
          overheard offering advice to Pedro to reduce his
          consumption of liquor, if not give up drinking
          altogether.  They would ask Marie: "Is he getting
          too physical?"

As usual, I was sitting at one of the corner tables at John's
Bar, sipping my beer.  Diagonally opposite me, the next table
was occupied by Pedro, nursing his palm feny with coke and
water.  On the vacant chair by his side, he had kept a bottle
wrapped in a plastic bag.

Now, this had become a sort of a routine -- me sipping beer
from my corner, and Pedro nursing feny from the opposite end
of the room. He always came in with that bottle in a plastic
bag. I never saw him ordering more than half a pint of palm feny.

How could just half a pint of feny have such an effect on
him? This was the million dollar question that bothered my
curious mind for years together.

"Today and now is the right time," I once said to myself.  It
was raining cats and dogs outside.  The lights had failed; it
was a pitch-dark night.

I gathered courage, picked the glass with one hand and the beer
bottle with the other. I moved as cautiously as a commando
would to Pedro's table. I ordered another pint of palm feny
for the man.

          Pedro, who was otherwise very reserved when it came
          to interacting with anyone, began to confide in me
          more and more with every extra sip that he was
          having just then.

Finally, Pedro broke down and admitted that he was a
hen-pecked husband.  Sobbing, he said that Marie was very
bossy at home with him, but timid with the neighbours.  She
would beat him with a stick every evening.  The harder she
thrashed him, the louder he would shout, "Take that!"

When I asked about the bottle he brought with him, he said it
was filled with plain water. When going home, he would put
the plastic bag in his pocket and proudly exhibits the bottle
in his hands.

I reached him home that night and kept my bedroom window
open. What a silent night it was, after years!

Retiring to bed, I began to introspect on the masks I wear,
and contemplated on the masks my acquaintances wear.

The next morning, when Pedro was passing by, he appeared to
have lost his usual self-confidence.  When Marie came to sell
vegetables, I noticed she had a black eye.

Vivek Costa Pereira is originally from Raia, Goa, and now
lives at Duler in Mapusa.  He recently retired from Lourdes
Convent, Saligão, where he was a popular teacher.  He is an
active participant of a Salcete Konkani group, SUGF on
WhatsApp, where this story was first shared, and much

This is an excerpt from  All Those Tales (Nellie Velho
Pereira & FN, Eds).  Goa,1556 ISBN 978-93-95795-65-4.  2024.
Pp242.  Rs500 (in Goa).  See cover here: or

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