Goemkars ! 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 WORLD GOA DAY- 20.8.2008 - WORLD KONKANI DAY ============================================= On August 20, 1992, India's Parliament unanimously approved Konkani's inclusion into the Indian Constitution's 8th Schedule, fulfilling the prerequisite for the granting of Statehood to Goa. World Goa Day followed in 1999, when we decided to dedicate a day in the year to the celebration of our Goan Cultural Heritage - a day when Goans worldwide, young and old, unitedly took pride in every aspect of their beautiful culture - language, traditions, the performing arts, cuisine etc. World Goa Day will celebrate its 10th next year!! The first World Goa Day was held on 20 August 2000 - 20th of August is the official day for WORLD GOA DAY CELEBRATIONS, but for practical reasons, the event is often held at a date close to this and most suitable for this unique celebration. This year festivities will be held in all five continents with thousand of Goans participating across the globe including India. World Goa Day is one of the biggest events in the calendar of the GLOBAL GOANS and many wait for this great day where Goans pride in showing themselves, their children and others their roots and cultural heritage, a sure sign of our UNITY and our strength in our diversity and in our Goan Diaspora. August 20 is also a day where Goans, Goan institutions and social organizations all over the Goan World are planning activities. This is a celebration in each Goan community across the world to reinforce in us our Goan heritage, echoing what many Goans say "I was born a Goan and will die a Goan". Over the years, we have learned much from non-Goans and improved ourselves in the process. We have a lot to offer the world and should not be ashamed of or shy away from our own glorious culture. We are as gifted as any other people, and we should be willing to demonstrate that pride in our actions. Dreams and ambitions take hold more quickly when shared with others. We hope that we have done so through the various organizations and e-groups we have established in the past few years. We appeal to all Goans and Goan organizations participating in this great celebration to let us know their plans. The information will enable us to compile a list of participants and details of these events will be posted on the various GOAN Forums. If there are no plans to celebrate WORLD GOA DAY in your region, take the initiative to organize a program. Contact other GOANS or write to me - I will be glad to assist in your promotion of this unique Goan event. Goan Basilio Magno from Spain wrote the theme song, "Proud to be a Goan," especially for the First World Goa Day on August 20, 2000. His composition has become synonymous with World Goa Day celebrations. The lyrics and music perfectly express love for and solidarity with our motherland, Goa. The many Goan Internet forums have stimulated the understanding Goans have of their unique heritage. The world-wide organizing and coordinating committees will help us achieve results. We need each other.Giving and recieving are the basics of positive social relationships and healthy Communities. There are no limits to what we can achieve together ! The theme of "Giving back to Goa" is a good way to inspire our Goan community to do more for Goa and Goans worldwide. Let WORLD GOA DAY be a beacon of light and inspiration throughout the year and for the rest of our lives. Let us make our motto: "Proud To Be a Goan," live up to it and help make it a reality. We should celebrate WORLD GOA DAY in our hearts, in our minds, our homes and in our Communities wherever they may be. Let us dwell on the Positives and no negatives will set foot in our lives. The real wealth of any Society is its people. Each of us has valuable expirenece - to contribute to the well being of our Commnity. Lets just do it! We need to work together to promote WORLD GOA DAY within the wider Goan community, and encourage OUR GOAN COMMUNITIES to celebrate Goa’s history, language, music, cultural heritage and traditions. TOGETHER - we GOANS HAVE MADE IT HAPPEN ! rene barreto Overall Coordinator, WORLD GOA DAY WORLD ALLIANCE OF GOAN ASSOCIATIONS http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/ ===================================== This year - I 've invited the people of Daman - to establish * WORLD DAMAN DAY * to celebrate their CULURAL HERITAGE. They too will celebrate their CULTURAL HERITAGE on the 20th of August under the guidance and leadership of Noel Gama - in Daman - http://www.writersbureau.com/woy07/woy07.htm You can view the WDD - site at http://web.mac.com/noelgama/wdd08/World_Daman_Day.html =================================================================== Here are some of THE GOAN ASSOCIATION -organisations -indviduals PARTICIPANTS - WORLD GOA DAY - 16TH OF AUGUST 2008 ================== WORLD GOA DAY - QUEBEC - CANADA http://www.flickr.com/photos/qga/2388224176/ =================================== WORLD GOA DAY - TORONTO - CANADA http://www.goatoronto.com/events/world-goa-day-2008-picnic.html GOA TORONTO -MESSAGE Prersident :OSCAR FURTADO http://www.goatoronto.com/news/announcements/message-for-world-goa-day-2008-from-the-goa-toronto.html ============================================================================== GOAN VILLAGE ASSOCIATIONS -TORONTO http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/07/world-goa-day-canada.html ===================================================== 23rd of AUGUST , 2008 ================== WORLD GOA DAY - MELBOURNE -AUSTRALIA http://www.melgoans.com/ http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/search/label/WORLD%20GOA%20DAY%20-%20MELBOURNE%20-%20AUSTRALIA MESSAGE: ============================================================================================= 23rd of AUGUST , 2008 ================== WORLD GOA DAY - LONDON -UK Dinner Dance - @VIVA GOA RESTURANT - London uk Sorry - SOLD OUT ..... FLYER http://bp3.blogger.com/_QKPfld9QLHU/SGvEldZNckI/AAAAAAAABJk/K-EfE0z6ixU/s1600-h/newww+leafff.png http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/08/world-goa-day-london-uk.html ===================================================================================== 30TH AUGUST ,2008 ================= WORLD GOA DAY - BANGALORE -INDIA http://www.kgabangalore.com/ =================================== 30th Ausugust -2008 WORLD GOA DAY - QUEBEC http://flickr.com/photos/qga/2388224176/ WORLD GOA DAY - DAR ES SALAAM Savio Fernandes - [EMAIL PROTECTED] details awaited WORLD GOA DAY -GERMANY http://goa-germany.repage7.de/ http://www.goa-germany.org/picgallery/index.htm =================================== 31st of AUGUST , 2008 ================== WORLD GOA DAY -NAIROBI -KENYA http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/08/world-goa-day-nairbi-kenya.html http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/search/label/WORLD%20GOA%20DAY%20-%20NAIROBI-KENYA =============================================================================== 31st of AUGUST , 2008 ================== WORLD GOA DAY - LONDON -UK http://bp1.blogger.com/_QKPfld9QLHU/SJXlNLIi0AI/AAAAAAAABPg/VHe3_ZcHXZU/s1600-h/WGD+Pil-Picnic+LONDON+-31.8.2008.001-001.png http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/08/world-goa-day-2008.html =============================================================================================================== WORLD GOA DAY - DELHI - INDIA http://bp2.blogger.com/_QKPfld9QLHU/SBIEMySnUzI/AAAAAAAAAy8/6442TahdYIQ/s1600-h/MS+Suman+Kurade+.png EVENTS Dates to be advised ===================== WORLD GOA DAY -SPAIN A one man event in Spain Basilio Magno - [EMAIL PROTECTED] WORLD GOA DAY -QATAR http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/04/goan-welfare-society-qatar.html WORLD GOA DAY - EDMONTON , CANADA http://www.edmontongoanassociation.com/events.php ====================================== WORLD GOA DAY - MOMBASA -KENYA http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/2008/05/goans-of-mombas-wgd-2007.html ==================================================== WORLD GOA DAY -MOZAMBIQUE nuno rego [EMAIL PROTECTED] Details awaited ============================= WORLD GOA DAY - KAMPALA -UGANDA savio martins [EMAIL PROTECTED] Details awaited =================================== WORLD GOA DAY - ARUSHA - TANZANIA http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/08/world-goa-day-london-uk.html ? ======================================================= WORLD GOA DAY - ZANZIBAR Zanzibar, St. Xaviers Society [EMAIL PROTECTED] ? ====================== Vivek Araujo - our Contact for Goans in the Portuguese speaking Countries PARTICIPANTS ============================== WORLD GOA DAY -EVENTS HELD ============================= 27th of July, 2008 WORLD GOA DAY - SYDNEY -AUSTRALIA www.goansw.com REPORT : http://www.our-goa-nsw.org =================================== 12THJULY,2008 WORLD GOA DAY -NEW JERSEY -USA http://worldgoadaymessages.blogspot.com/2008/06/goan.html ============================================ 27/28th JULY, 2008 WORLD GOA DAY -KARACHI- PAKISTAN http://bp2.blogger.com/_QKPfld9QLHU/SCqe7Mr-R_I/AAAAAAAABCA/Zyb29ztI_TI/s1600-h/world+goa+day+2008+-+KARACHI+PAKISTAN.001-002.png REPORT : http://worldgoaday2008.blogspot.com/2008/08/world-goa-day-2008-karachi-pakistan.html ===================================== 27TH July, 2008 WORLD GOA DAY - VANCOUVER -CANADA REPORT: http://www.goavancouver.com ============================== MESSAGES for WORLD GOA DAY http://worldgoadaymessages.blogspot.com/ The following to adv the dates for their celebrations Awaiting to hear from them - they have participated /supported us in the past. WORLD GOA DAY -KOLKATA -INDIA =============================== WORLD GOA DAY - LISBON -PORTUGAL ================================= WORLD GOA DAY -Los Angeles -USA ============================= WORLD GOA DAY -NYC -USA ======================== WORLD GOA DAY -TEXAS http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/ WORLD GOA DAY - San Francisco -USA =============================== WORLD GOA DAY - BAHAMAS http://www.colaco.net/1/WGD2006.htm ============================ GOANS in DUBAI - INTERNET - RADIO GOA in DUBAI http://www.radiogoa.net/aboutus.html ============================================== 20th OF AUGUST,2008 - The Ofiicial day of CELEBRATIONS ============================================== For the 1st Year - we have a WORLD DAMAN DAY http://allaboutdaman.blogspot.com/2008/06/world-daman-day.html 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I do appologise for any errors - ommission etc., please do notify me of any broken links Thank you for your support and look forward for the same in the years to come. rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] OVERALL COORDINATOR WORLD GOA DAY - WORLD ALLIANCE OF GOAN ASSOCIATIONS =====================================