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Bharat Mukti Morcha National president Waman Meshram addressed a public 
meeting in the Goa's capital city of Panjim on October 29, 2011. Meeting
 in the centre of city in Azad Maidan was attended by nearly 500 people 
inside the maidan and numerous other people in the heart of city. Waman 
Meshram in his speech highlighted as to how our country is still under 
the foreign colonial rule of brahmins. In 1947 one foreigner called 
British left India and another foreigner called Brahmin took over and 
they rule till date. He further went on to elaborate as to how mulnivasi
 people of India are held captives by Brahmanism powers. He explained 
detail politics behind not carrying out of caste based census of OBC in 
India. He held Brahmanism responsible for depriving development of OBC 

Waman Meshram examined the role of each of the Prime Ministers of India 
in suppressing cased based census cutting party lines. He outlined the 
agitation program of mobilization for liberation of India and appealed 
to all the mulnivasi people to join in the struggle in large numbers. He
 said currently our country though ruled by Manmohan Singh the decision 
not hold caste based census was taken by Bengali brahmin Pranab 

Earlier Waman Meshram was accorded warm welcome with a song 'Bharat 
Mukti Morcha' composed and Choreographed by Maggie Silveira, President 
of Bharat Mukti Morcha Mahila Aghadi  and sang by children from Vanxim 
island. Entire gathering came alive with the song and participants waved
 Bharat Mukti Morcha flags in air.

Number of people connected with movements also spoke during the meeting.
 Devidas Gaonkar, Francis Fernades, Hanumant Porob, Rama Velip, 
Sebastian Rorigues, Maggie Silveira, Fr.Bismark Dias, Xavier Fernandes 
spoke on the occasion. Kashinath Mayekar was present on the dias.

Devidas Gaonkar spoke about how Goa government has betrayed SC,ST,OBC 
people by non-implementation of Forest Rights Act. Francis Fernandes 
dealt with land reforms in Goa and how Brahmanism interests has 
sabotaged the entire program. Hanumant Porob spoke about the how mining 
has ruined environments are people are forced to struggle for their 
livelihood. Rama Velip exposed brahmanical links in mining destruction 
of Goa. Maggie Silveira criticized Goa government on introduction of 
Aadhaar card (UID). She said it is worse than a bomb blast in its impact
 of taking private information and recording it in centralized 
computerized system. She criticized Digambar Kamat for this project. 
Sebastian Rodrigues criticized Brahmanism forces for looting of Goa 
through mining and creating burden of public debt of Rs.631 crore. He 
questioned as to why Goa that generated Rs.28 lakh crore in last 
financial year though mining should have public debt at all. Fr.Bismark 
Dias criticized Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao for selling of Vanxim 

Maggie Silveira in her second round of speech launched scathing attack 
on Brahmanical system that has sold Vanxim island. 'Not a chair will be 
allowed to be parked in Vanxim island', Maggie thundered warning to 
Bamon Mahendra Gaunekar. Gaunekar is planning to take over Vanxim island
 and has got Goa government to get village survey number 8 consisting of
 water bodies as settlement zone for 'hotel and resort only'.

People from far and wide traveled to Panjim for the meeting and 
Brahmanism hold in Goa got jolted. It was for the first time that such a
 public meeting was being held in the heart of Panjim boldly criticizing

Bharat Mukti Morcha blog www.bharatmukti.blogspot.com was inaugurated at
 the hands of National President Waman Meshram. Blog contains posting 
related to Bharat Mukti Morcha activities in Goa. It also contains 
number of postings criticizing brahmanical rule in Goa.

Booklet titled 'Goa's Great Mining Plunder' authored by Sebastian 
Rodrigues was released at the hands of National President Waman Meshram.
 This booklet documents police repression in mining belt as well as 
large scale plunder since 1981. The booklet is published by Mulnivasi 
Publication Trust, Pune.


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