What’s going on at Cruz dos Milagres multi-crore project?
After knowing it has completed first phase of the project 
i.e. Restoration of the Church
We decided to go there to see ourselves and offcouse, to share with you too.
When we stepped out, first thing I did was aiming at the church to take a pic.
A man just stepped out of his car GA07E6398, stopped me saying no 
photography allowed
(incidentally, the man and the car is also captured in the Pic)
 ‘ami Goemkar re’ said we
‘Tor kitem zalem?’ said he
At this time one of us went over the top
‘I think we have a right to take pics and share amongst the others, 
we paid Rs.1000 each for this project which is forced upon us by the Church’
 He would not change an inch
We: Will speak to Fr. Erimito Rebello about this..
‘He is no longer incharge now from April’ replied he
(web search reveals  Fr. Conceisao D’Silva is incharge now? 
Cordinator Fund Raising Committee) see III
I said this incident may be reported to pres /Media
 ‘I am only obeying orders’ said he.
Are there any such orders or he is just making it up?
Don’t you think they should allow us knowing we are Goans and press/media 
Photography allowed at all Old Goa Churches, what so unique about this one?
 No, he is not non-Goan but Kristao Goemkar sort of typical ‘Letrad’
All Conversation was in Mother tongue
 The pic of the Renovated Church that we already clicked ..


These pics taken while going back, from the slope (away from the Church)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk73/9464233834/in/photostream/ )  



the Church on feast day Feb 2010


 Convent /Oratory



Video – 2010

Boa Vista Hill (Milagrimcho Khuris) 

I also have pics of 2006 or earlier, can’t locate them right now
The First Phase of the Project at Cruz dos Milagres, Monte de Boa Vista, Old 
Goa, in view of establishing a Spiritual Renewal Centre, was inaugurated on 
21st April 2013 on the occasion of the 362nd birth anniversary of Blessed 
Joseph Vaz, the patron of the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. The First Phase 
includes the Church of the Miraculous Cross and its attached structures.
Above site mentioned about the dedicated website for the project
When tried this site, it asking for login details
(with No facility or link  for new registrations)

CP-P/21/2012: Rev Fr Conceição D’Silva appointed Coordinator of the Fund 
Raising Committee for the 'Cruz dos Milagres Project Supporting Committee', 
with the following members:
a) Rev. Fr. Conceição D’Silva, Coordinator
b) Mr. Pascoal Barbosa Noronha, Co-coordinator
c) Rev. Fr. Jose Roque Gonsalves, Member
d) Rev. Fr. Valerian Vaz, Member
e) Rev. Fr. Simon Diniz, Member
f) Rev. Fr. Lawrence Mascarenhas, Member
g) Sr. Amelia D’Souza, H.C., Member
h) Mrs. Magdalene Fernandes, Member
i) Mrs. Susan Viegas, Member
j) Mr. Boromor J. Dias, Member
k) Mr. Celso Fernandes, Treasurer


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