Well Jaya Bachan may have highlighted a case, whats intriuing is the question 
thats attached. What is the Govt doing to protect the tourists? Well it is the 
same govt who is allowing Mega constructions with no care n worry about 
sanitation, allowing slums to spring up at every corner, and no migrants check 
policy just because the Constituiton allows freedom of movement anywhere in 

Today Goa is going through the same stage of migrant related problems as in 
Bombay and we are just feeling that we are minorities in our Own Goa. Only 
thing is we dont have Raj Thackerays to fight back. N even if we have we will 
use them to fight The Rogue Politicians and Chors of the Goa  Assembly who are 
selling Goa to the highest Bidder.

The Govt Should realise that Public Health Safety, which is for u n me and 
every body in GOA is more important thant the health of our Tourists. Let the 
Govt provide safety from rape to Tourists which has tarnished our reputation 
globally. N of course its our MLAs kin n kith who are responsible.

Beny Pereira
Dubai UAE
Jaya rings alarm bells over malaria in Goa 
The wife of film star Big B takes a bug bite at Goa tourism for what appears to 
be a serious issue of European tourists exiting Goa with malaria.
The State’s tourism ministry has received a communiqué from the Center based on 
queries raised by Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan on the issue of malaria cases in 
According to facts presented by Bachchan, Europe reported 19 malaria cases, 
imported largely from Goa since December 2006.
And that during the winter season of 2006-07, as many as 8 cases of plasmodium 
falciparum were reported in the European Network on imported infectious 
diseases surveillance from among tourist returning from Goa.
Bachchan has sought to know whether until recently, Goa was considered a place 
with very low risk of malaria for foreign tourists and whether the government 
has sounded an alert to public health authorities in the State on malaria 
affecting tourists visiting the State.
The director of Tourism Elvis Gomes has confirmed receipt of such a communiqué. 
He said, “We are looking into the issue and will respond to the same.”  

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