[Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

2010-12-10 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
Why No Action Against Erring Miners  ?

The nexus between the miners, police and our politicians is again
exposed as an innocent man lost his life under the wheels of a mining
truck. It’s shocking to know that the police instead of apprehending
the culprit were trying to get rid of the evidence of the gruesome act
in a hurry, a direct responsibility of the mine owner and to put it
under the carpet our Aam Aadmi Chief Minister promises 2 lakh
compensation for the deceased family and says nothing about action
against the perpetrator of this crime. If the Chief Minister cannot
give us justice he is not fit to remain in office, he should resign.
How many more lives will be lost before justice sees daylight ?

Our Chief Minister has valued a Goan life at two lakhs, is his and the
lives of other members of his family worth the same ? Kill a person
and pay two lakhs is the message our CM is sending out. Apart from
being the Chief Minister, he is also the minister for mines; he should
be the one to initiate action against the erring miners and their
subsidiaries. How long will the compensation sustain the bereaved
family ? Can money really replace life ? There is no doubt that
compensation helps the bereaved family but it should be a lot more, on
the other hand why should the tax payers money be used to compensate
for the negligence of the mining community ? The compensation should
come from the mining community itself and should be nothing less than
30 to 35 lakhs for fatality or permanent disabilities. The erring
miners and their subsidiaries should not be let off so easily for such
utter and deliberate negligence.

This is not the first incident that mining trucks have taken a life,
people in the mining belt have been agitating against the adverse
effects of mining, including rash driving, for a long time and every
time such an incident occurs, the police and our political Babus have
been siding with the miners and promising that such incidents will not
occur again, but like all their other promises, they are laid waste
and forgotten till the next such incident occurs, and the same old
story repeats itself.

As recorded in the Vidhan Sabha, most of Goa’s politicians benefit
from mining, legal or illegal, one way or the other and it’s amply
clear that our police and politicians do not want to take any action
against the mining fraternity for obvious reasons and to make it
worse, the people fighting against the atrocities in mining areas are
harassed, targeted and even labeled as naxallites.

How long will we Goans allow this to carry on ?   How long will it be
before we realize that the present government is not the government of
the Aam Aadmi ? How long will it be before we Goans wise-up to the
fact that we Goans are being taken for a jolly good ride by our
politicians ?

No doubt these incidents have forced us into creating a mood viciously
hostile towards the political and social administration. It is indeed
time to pause and focus our pent-up anger in the right direction. It
is imperative that we unite with all our recourses and wage a
full-scale war against the anti Goan administration and their flag
bearers. Goans have suffered for too long in silence it’s now time to
be more vocal and aggressive. It’s time we stood by, in solidarity
with our aggrieved Goan brothers and sisters.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

2010-12-10 Thread floriano

Freddy dear,

How does one kick the hand that is feeding them?


- Original Message - 
From: "Freddy Agnelo Fernandes" 

Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:02 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

Why No Action Against Erring Miners ?

The nexus between the miners, police and our politicians is again
exposed as an innocent man lost his life under the wheels of a mining
truck. It’s shocking to know that the police instead of apprehending
the culprit were trying to get rid of the evidence of the gruesome act
in a hurry, a direct responsibility of the mine owner and to put it
under the carpet our Aam Aadmi Chief Minister promises 2 lakh
compensation for the deceased family and says nothing about action
against the perpetrator of this crime. If the Chief Minister cannot
give us justice he is not fit to remain in office, he should resign.
How many more lives will be lost before justice sees daylight ?

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes