Anti CAA meet organized by Council for social peace and justice at Lohia Maidan 
By all accounts it  was amassive gathering like of which  has not been 
witnessed  as long as one can remember in recent tomes Every inch of space 
inside and outside was packed to capacity All around the square right  upto 
Grace church the place was  over flowing with participants The crowd was 
massive which visibly included large number of women, religious and people pf 
sll faiths. The organisers might have not anticipated the crowds ,because the 
sound system outside the square was inadequate Hence there was  the attention 
of the people suffered The crowd carried a lot of placards and photos of 
Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi and National flags
Those participating at the rally displayed emotional connect and the feeling of 
oneness It was orderly and peaceful with extra ordinary large contingents of 
law enforces, who were not put to test and seen merrily charting and occupied 
with phones
The speakers got the crowds to interact and back the movement with 
participatory slogans enmass
The speakers Dr Oscar, Fr Savio, Kamat, Prabhakar Timble Damador mauzo 
captivated the crowd and enlightened them on secular nature of constitution and 
dangers  that citizens will be subjected to while enforcing CAA ,NRC and  NPR 
There was tremendous spontaneous  applause in unison 
Some politicians were in attendance to support the Anti CAA stir in South 
GoaThe message was loudn and clear that Goa too has joined the mainstream 
movement expressing their protests  on solidarity with the National movement 
and unequivocal dissent
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