2500 years ago, the greatest man India has given the world tried to
eradicate the caste system, and failed. He was no match for the wily
Brahmins and their foxy theories. That was a long time ago, and today even
the Brahmins are to be found beyond religious roles, in all walks of life,
in all professions. So much for an academic definition of caste today. No
one, in my view, can blame anyone for being born into any caste as they are
not responsible for it! For me, at least, caste today is simply a hangover
from the past!

With all due respect to Adi Shankara, the shadow of the rupee and not the
Sudra looms larger than life, and the millions of poor Indians in India
today know they can look forward to a better life through hard work and
education - and what we are witnessing is nothing less than a peacceful
revolution! Yes, we have nothing to lose but our casts. The new Indian, in
the millions, is not so easily scared by traditional beliefs and theories
and, as I said, the rupee is going to be the new star of India, defying the
status quo and ushering in a new age of awareness when people are taking
their lives into their own hands. Celebrate life!

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