
The surprise is of Bombay Catholic Sabha President, giving interviews in Times 
of India of 9th December, 2008, putting pressure on government not to take 
action against terrorists. This is sending a wrong message to all youth, 
including, christian youth.

Is not the President of Bombay Catholic Sabha aware, that young innocent 
Christians were begging of the terrorists on 26/11, at Taj and Oberoi, to spare 
their lives, but terrorists showed no mercy and shot them dead.

The President of Bombay Catholic Sabha and Priest have neither visited the 
homes, nor offered condolence, sympathy,money to injured or dead christians in 
the attack by terrorists on 26/11 in Mumbai, it is probably because they are 
not from rich, well-known, christian families.  

Although the President and his family members and all members of the  Bombay 
catholic Sabha and their families did not suffer at the hands of terrorists on 
26/11, it is shocking to know that neither President of Bombay Catholic Sabha, 
nor any of the Chairmen of Bombay catholic Sabha Church units or any Priest, 
has bothered to offer Mass, in any Church in Mumbai,  for the dead christians 
in the 26/11 attacks.

My urgently request is for Bombay catholic Sabha and each one of their members 
to please let the government do the job of catching the terrorists, otherwise 
Bombay catholic sabha is giving wrong message to terrorists.

Please immediately Bombay catholic sabha should offer Mass for the dead and 
injured christians, as well as financial help to all christian families who 
lost their children, and family members in the recent 26/11 attacks, instead of 
"hand-holding on the roads of Mumbai". 

John Fernandes


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