Re: [Goanet] re : a portrai t of M.K. Gandhi by Mishal Hussein of the BBC done recently.

2010-11-03 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar

This might be the programme you might have watched.

Naguesh Bhatcar

> Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 23:25:25 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] re : a portrai t of M.K. Gandhi by Mishal Hussein of the 
> BBC done recently.
>   I`m  sure  quite  a  few  of  the  oldies (  ie:  those over  sixty 
> years  of  age ) on this  forum   peruse the  BBC  website  for  soccer 
> or  other  news  items  we  can  trust  for  veracity ... or 
> listen to  the  overseas  radio short wave  serviceor watch  the 
> overseas  TV news and other programs  beamed to North America  and the 
> Carribbean area.very  much  like  our  parents  used  to  do  in 


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[Goanet] re : a portrai t of M.K. Gandhi by Mishal Hussein of the BBC done recently.

2010-11-03 Thread Joe lOBO
 I`m  sure  quite  a  few  of  the  oldies (  ie:  those over  sixty 
years  of  age ) on this  forum   peruse the  BBC  website  for  soccer 
or  other  news  items  we  can  trust  for  veracity ... or 
listen to  the  overseas  radio short wave  serviceor watch  the 
overseas  TV news and other programs  beamed to North America  and the 
Carribbean area.very  much  like  our  parents  used  to  do  in 
the  " bad "  old  days  of  brit.  colonialism in the  30`s , 40`s 
or  even the  50`s and  60`s as the  local language  broadcasts ( 
such as  Radio Tanzania) began to  dominate  the  airwaves  with  a 
nationalistic  patriotism  that  was  so evident  in East  Africa.
   By  chance , yesterday in Toronto ,I  happened  on  a  mini 
documentary  done  by the  vivacious  Mishal Hussein of  the  overseas 
service of the BBC ,..   physically  following the  footsteps  of 
Mahatma (  great soul) Gandhi from  his  early  days  in  South  Africa, 
then on to graduation  as  a  lawyer in  England  ,  his  return to 
India, his ever - so-  strong  desire  to  rid the  subcontinent  of 
foreign colonial  peaceful means  and moral 
persuasion  rather than the  use  of  violence. Despite being  a  man of 
immense  popularity with the Indian masses  at  that  time he turned 
down  any  promise  of  political  office in the  future ...(  which 
Indian  with  ambition  would  do that  these days...except in  the 
hope  of   becoming  an Ambani, Birla or  Mallya  type millionaire ?) . 
She  met  with  folk  in their  eighties in  age  who  workedwith 
Mohandas Gandhi in the   pre-independence era and his  establishment  of 
  an  "ashram" (refuge ) in Sabarmati, Gujerat where  he  got  ordinary 
 folk to work ina  simple  manner rather  than  be  sucked  into  the 
materialistic manipualtions  of  the  Brits  to  tighten  their  hold 
on  developing economy. Remember  that  the  Sir Winston Churchill  who 
 we  so  regularly  laud  for  his  war-time  pugnacity in  standing 
up to  the  German  Third  Reich with  ambitons  to  dominate the 
planet , was  also someone who  called  M.K Gandhi a naked  fakir and a 
sexual  deviant  who  had  no place  in  the  Brit  scheme of  plans 
for  their  " jewel in the  Crown"  of  the  Empire.
 I  just  was  sorry  that  I  did  not  have  a  spare video-cassette 
handy  to  immediately   tape this excellently done  show which lasted 
for  about  an  hour. If  anybody  knows  of  a forthcoming re- 
broadcast  of this  program.please  do  let me  know.
 We  Tanzanians  should  be  happy  that  the   father  of  our 
nation of Tanganyika  , Julius  Nyerere, chose  the  gandhian principle 
 of   non-violence in the pursuit of  freedom.and  the 
despising of  tribalism  stating  that  all  peoples  of  all colours 
were  equal regardless of  their  tribe or  ehnic  originensuing 
peace and the  establishment of democracy  eventually after  a long 
period  of  one-party  rule .

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